Whoever is loyal
To what is noble, just, and pure
Who stands in storms
With honor, truth and patience to endure
Seeking a good report
And choosing to be generous
Holding in highest regard
What's lovely, kind and virtuous
Maintaining self-control,
Not quick to anger and envy
Not shunning another's wisdom
To walk arrogantly
Brave and confidant
Yet humble with little indignation
These are the solid elements
Of true loves foundation
For if you choose to build
A castle on these principles
It shall stand midst fierce storms and floods
Or when earth quakes and ripples

Mighty Warrior
The test of our faith from life's obstacles
Like seasons of time running in cycles
We can choose to endure and grow robust
Or surrender and wither back to dust
If one runs with footmen and grows weary
Then how can one race with the cavalry
If one stumbles and falls on the open ground
How will one swim the currents of the sound?
If each time one's faced with adversity
They give up to wallow in their pity
Then when the tempest whirls with its fury
The winds will snatch their souls in a flurry
But to seize the challenge of grizzly strife
Sharpening the skills in the walk of life
Mighty warriors emerge prepared for war
Grasping victory at last trumpets roar

Rainy Days
Rainy days are meant to replenish Soak the earth that greener days flourish
Listen to the raindrops touch the earth Its a new season time of rebirth Things we put off running to and fro
Can be addressed when showers flow Time to reflect and ponder our course Time to amend ways showing remorse Time
to forgive and keep friendships ablaze Then watch the seeds sprout on these rainy days

To See The World
Before my years on this earth have unfurled It is my life's desire to see the world Walk
through the Scottish castle corridors Listen when the African lion roars Watch Hawaiian volcanic lava flow Climb
the Swiss Alps and taste the mountain snow Stand atop the temple of the Aztecs Explore the deep seas and sunken shipwrecks
Race the rapids along the Snake River Tread through caves of an Alaskan glacier See the kookaburra and kangaroo
And then sail along the Andaman blue Life is so very short to see it all Where's the time for our days to become
dull Yet people lie on their couch, life's too hard Not even exploring their own back yard.

Life's but a Vapor
Life's but a vapor from dawn's early dew Vanishing quickly before morning's
through Choose today wisely what dreams to pursue Make it an adventurous rendezvous
Tomorrow's flowers are
seeds of today Becoming dried weeds or gorgeous bouquet We can be clouds without rain blown away Or mornings pour
and afternoon's sun ray
Though tomorrow is today's mystery Today will be tomorrow's history Either written
by yesterday's misery Or composed by today's victory
Counsel within the heart of people
Is like the deep sea,
But listen with understanding
And they will speak more free
The haunting pain within their soul
Will be shared discreetly
But in trust hold thy tongue
That their words be held secretly
As iron in stone
Sharpens iron of a two edged sword
A friend should sharpen a friend's trust
And confidence in the Lord
For when the Serpent attacks
This friend shall stand brave with you
Both risking death with honor
Enduring the battle through
Send The Hurt Below
Though trials assail And dangers converge Though friends should all
fail And enemies merge There is a safe haven Whatever occurs The promise that's given As faith delivers
Stand in valor and great might With all strength endued Shield yourself for the fight Wisdom that foe's
are subdued Find forgiveness to employ Letting the past go Turn angry drops to joy And send the hurt below

Equipped In Armor
Comrades fitted for battle,
Firmly to stand
A belt of truth to shine
When deceits at hand
Breastplates of honor,
Righteousness and good name
A shield of principle
To quench arrows of flame
A helmet to save
From the serpent's breath
The shoes of readiness
To escape from death
Alert for the enemy
Who lurks this hour
Thrust thy divine sword
When he tries to devour

Beware the fury of the patient sage
He tarries for reason but soon to engage
Though society created a new stage
Where deviation and perversion assuage
Be ready to fight the war which they wage
For one day a new dawn will come to age
Where justice prevails and truth will rage
When the good will stand and turn this page

Paradigm Shift
Though it's good practice to use common sense And to learn from other's
experience Will we understand the signs of the time And recognize a shifting paradigm? Sometimes we need to think
outside the box For there may be a hidden paradox Not everything appear as it seems And common roads may not obtain
ones dreams But if we choose a new route to embark As Columbus did sailing in the dark We may just find another
world at sea And life as we know it changed abruptly

Walking in Truth
Though the earth and moon and every star
Pass from existence in time yet to be
The truth will remain and never alter
From time's beginning through eternity
A heart that desires and walks in this truth
Will find favor over this earthly domain
When it prays and reaches the heavens
Will move the mountains and command the rain
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All poetry is copyright 2001 through 2009 All rights reserved. Use by permission.