Knight In Black

Ch 14 Sinewed Souls
Home | About the Author | Profile & Photos | Ch. 1 The Lost Soul | Ch 2 The Dark Ages | Ch 3 An Awakening Choice | Ch 4 The Sacrifice | Ch 5 Woven Cords | Ch 6 Outside the Box | Ch 7 The Untamed Tongue | Ch 8 Insanity | Ch 9 Focus | Ch 10 Catch the Blessing | Ch 11 Eyes of a Child | Ch 12 Life's Obstacles | Ch 13 Broken Love | Ch 14 Sinewed Souls | Ch 15 Endless and Pure



Love is more than a feeling. It is an action word and cannot be found until you truly know how to love someone else. It is a choice and goes far beyond the romance/infatuation. Romance is the short euphoria we feel during the building moments of intimacy but love is something that remains constant throughout a relationship until one chooses to stop loving the other person. The phrase we just fall out of love is really about falling out of romance. Because we cannot find the once gushy feeling we think the relationship is over and there is just no passion left. Regretfully many relationships slowly end. Is this love? No...It's the act of wanting to be loved. It is self-centered and has not truly digested the real concept of love. If you can come to the realization that love is a choice by sacrifice and work then you will be able to give it and learn to identify it when it is truly being given back. It will further re-kindle the flames of romance in what you thought had burned out. It will find the beginning and start again. It will breathe new life back into the one whom you love.


Sinewed Souls

Beyond the surface allure
Past the soul's corridor
Lies the haunting mystery
Slicing daunting memory
Her innocence torn in two
An empty heart through and through
Lonely nights of anguished cries
Pouring drops from salt drenched eyes
Blood stained mind, wounds that won't heal
Silent screams, the walls conceal
In the midst of black woe
No light can cast its shadow
The anesthetic numbness
When all appears hopeless
The crypt slowly closing in
Straining breaths for oxygen
No more tears are left to weep
Coldly slipping into sleep
The brink of death at the door
Black rose falling to the floor

Beyond the tall and strong guise
Through the window of his eyes
A lost soul, torn and shattered
From the sea, crushed and battered
Tempest tossing to and fro
Ocean waves in overflow
Surface gasp before each plunge
Lungs consuming like a sponge
Swallowed sea, deluging thought
Tormenting nights in distraught
Drowning in the flood of tears
The throe of his yesteryears
Before he sinks to his death
Waiting, watching for last breath
Lies that ole Leviathan
Who snatches all drowning men
Pulling them to ocean's floor
Miles from the nearest shore
Chained for all eternity
Forever lost deepened sea


Silent screams from hidden tomb
Where her soul lies in doom
Echo through the earth and sea
Waking him from misery
Reaching up through the sand
Black rose falls into his hand
Ocean spews him from its depths
Casting him before love's steps
Lying prone over her vault
Revived from her tears of salt
Chamber opens with his kiss
So begins the synthesis
Mixing love with true passion
Elements in reaction
Soul to soul, the fibers spun
Sinews weaving, forming one
Heart to heart, the mended break
Tingling feel, her eyes awake
Wounds are healed as love has spawned
Rapture souls new life has dawned

Beyond this stellar domain
Comes-forth replenishing rain
Quenching the thirst of the earth
Where new hearts have given birth
Embraced bodies pollinate
The hearts entwined germinate
Sprouting through the soil above
From the seed of purest love
Plowing ground once left fallow
Healed with a kiss of sweet aloe
Awakened from a cold sleep
With healing drops downward seep
Weeping with caressing tears
Washing away blackest fears
From death to life love comes in
From dark to light days begin
The branching leaves stemming out
Breaking barriers left in doubt
The black rose withers away
White blossoms in bright array


In the garden love's at bloom
Snatched from the impending doom
Serene breezes to relent
Intoxicate with its scent
Intimacy in her eyes
For compassion he supplies
She takes his hand by request
Gently placing on her chest
To feel scars deep imbedded
Where the heart once was shredded
Her touch is soft and tender
Her beauty glows with splendor
From a kiss, angels extol
The warmth now pervades her soul
His lips kiss each tear that streams
As her inner being gleams
His hands caress down her side
Naked bodies start to glide
Delicate moves slowly dance
Hearts make love in this romance

Beyond sight of naked eyes
Where elements synthesize
The two mold with each other
Melting with one another
Gentle moves in soft rhythm
Cresting waves firm momentum
Molecules bond into one
Lover's fusion has begun
Eye to eye deeply enlists
Engaged where each soul exists
Energy's force reacting
Particle bonds impacting
Internal bliss both implode
In one union they abode
In a realm no time controls
Spawning life of sinewed souls
Woven fibers spun secure
Cords forever will endure
Love to spend that will not wane
Endless in celestial reign


When Shifting Sands Settle

Rolling black clouds, roaring impulsive sea
Waves washing out dunes, piers crushed to debris
The torrent winds tear homes with no mercy
Walls crumble, the sea demanding fiercely
The beaches swallowed by the ocean's greed
The sands scattered in its destructive deed
The typhoon spins onward, waters retreat
Settled sands reveal where new shorelines seat.
As she slowly walked along the still beach
Looking as far as the sea and sky reach
She wondered whether the storm truly past
She pondered to how long this pain would last
I took her hand as I came to her side
This oath I spoke the words I shall abide
"We may face another tempest in life
There will be obstacles and other strife
My promise no matter what we go through
I am by your side and will still love you
Where ever shore waters settle the sand
'Til death I will not let go of your hand"


The measure of love's depths can only be felt after falling to the nadir of a broken heart separated in silence and then somewhere finding full forgiveness and rising back to the zenith of celestial devotion as flesh and flesh become one again.

What is forgiveness? It is a fuel only obtained through surrendering our heart to trust again, willing to forget the wrongs and then leave ourselves transparent to the other once again. It is then being able to allow that passion to feed the tongue the words to express that forgiveness to the one we love.

The heart and tongue are considered some of the strongest muscles in the body. But their greatest strength does not lie in their physical power but in the passion that fuels them. They can either work for peace or for war, for love or for hate, or for life or for death.


Tide Drawling Out

Let your heart not be troubled
I give my love without cost
Your beaconing voice has called me
Like the lighthouse for the lost

The tide is drawling outward
And the sand is settling still
I take your hand this moment
To tell you how I feel

The stars twinkle on us
And the moon shines its beam
Ever since I laid eyes on you
Your beauty answered my dream

Let me walk the burdens for you
As we travel from way to way
For when the sands shift again
It will be I to sacrifice this day


Spirit Like A Tigress

What verse characterizes
Beauty that mesmerizes
Well-formed build and poised stature
Angelic looks enrapture
Her presence captivating
And mind is fascinating
The bold words electrify
With lyrics that mystify

When she faces the tempest
Her spirit like a tigress
Though past demons are haunting
She firmly stands un-daunting
With courage and confidence
and grace held in eminence
She maintains her dignity
And strides with integrity


As the years go by, the seasons must pass
The leaves to fallen, the water to glass
Breezes to blizzards, and the rain to snow
Moments to memories from long ago

See that flower on a bright early day
Golden petals with dew dripping away
And that sweet aroma that I adore
Signs of that time many seasons before

Petal to memory, tear to dewdrop
Whispers of love to make a heartbeat stop
Sweet to perfume, adore to the moment
Remembering the time we once both spent

Dewdrops are falling, but only inside
Petals of the past that I cannot hide
Pluck a petal and wipe away the dew
Then hold me tight and make the moment true


I Saw It In Your Tear

You stood by the window
In the song of silence
Peering out to nowhere
With time kept in suspense

Many days had gone by
Without a spoken word
The mountains still echoed
The pain that day we stirred

Things we say in anger
Can tear this world apart
When we speak with vengeance
What's hidden in the heart

I waited for your voice
I waited for your touch
I waited for your kiss
To show me just how much

How much forgiveness means
How much you truly care
How much you still love me
Through all the storms we bare

It comes to times like this
To show the depths we feel
To see what's most important
To know this love is real

I did not need a touch
I did not need an ear
I did not need a kiss
I saw it in your tear

The Salt Within Your Tears

I saw your innocence
Stripped time and time again
I saw your emptiness
A universe within

I listened to your heart
The drumbeat of your pain
I listened to your breath
The wind before the rain

I smelled the stormy seas
The many nights you cried
I smelled the burning incense
The night your spirit died


I touched your frozen hands
That longed the warmth of care
I touched the eyes of sadness
That wept with much despair

I tasted of your hurt
The salt within your tears
I tasted of your lips
The quiver of your fears

I entered in your heart
And lit a candle light
I entered in your soul
To comfort you at night


In the deep dark night
As the fog rises from the damp ground
And all light from the sky
Is absorbed by the reaches of the mist
I can hear the faint sounds of your breath
And the slow beating rhythm
Of your heart.
Only the sounds of you guide me
As I wade in blindness through the fog.
The cool vapors cling to my face
Slowly condense and run down my neck.
Your breath becomes louder
And your heart draws me closer
The wind carries a small vapor
Of your womanly essence my way
And then caresses to my lips with its sweet aroma.
I can taste your beauty as I swim closer for you
I continue to feel my way through the dark
Yearning to embrace your body
Longing to breath in your breaths
And be hypnotized in ecstasy
By the beating rhythm of your heart.

Quenching My Thirst

Glittering ice in a crystal clear glass
Trickles of water slowly rolling down
The frozen touch of the glass to my chin
The soothing feel as my lips slither round
The sensual wet taste to my lapping tongue
The cool sensation chilling me within
The quenching relief to my yearning thirst
Renewing my life and all its passion


We create our relationships as deep as both are willing to by choosing an equal level of soul transparency to each other where mutual mental, emotional, spiritual and physical attraction exist as trust slowly developed. When both can share that same trust and openness and are willing to sacrifice, commit, blend interests and eventually fall into a deep love this is what some would say is a "soul mate". However, once that trust is broken it is obviously very difficult to restore the relationship to that level.

Now to a degree fate has its hand. Fate creates the opportunity but then our choices decide whether opportunity becomes the relationships destiny. This is not to say that there is just one person in this world that was designed to be our "soul-mate". If we miss the opportunity it doesn't mean that one will never find love again in the same measure. But we are only afforded a few opportunities in a lifetime where all the ingredients of chemistry are there and the ability for true commitment and trust can exist. Just as over a lifetime there are only a few true friends we meet and are able to establish a common close trust with. I have seen evidence in my own life and with friends that would suggest there is a design that brings people together. Ultimately the choice is ours but it was like so many things occurred causing us to turn right, go forward, turn left, try to resist but so many circumstances prevented us from making the turns we wanted to make and then there we are somewhere where we hadn't planned to be and yet we meet someone that changes or influences our life forever. I have met people in life through such odd circumstances that I have had an immediate connection with as though I knew them all my life. Some became my closest friends and one became a long term intimate relationship. It was never forced just happened and all the elements existed that could bond together. When looking back on those connections it was like they were placed there for a time and a reason just to influence the direction I was going or become part of the road I was traveling.

Now on the other hand, over the last few years I have had many friends whom I have listened to regarding this matter and certainly see the deception in following a pipe dream of the mystical "soul mate". Some of them would say they have found that soul-mate but only later discover the deception and pain to follow. I have also seen couples who I believe were very closely knitted grow apart from life's adversities or the bond of their trust breaking at the seams. I have also seen people get caught up in such webs and leave their spouses under the guise of seeking happiness only to be led into nightmares. So certainly there has to be caution and our choices are a major factor of our destination.

Have you ever met someone and wondered if by design you were to meet that person whether it was as a friend, a relationship or a stranger delivering a life altering message. Yes we have the choices but the power of influence and life's obstacles seem to steer our way. Like the goal of a chess game as each piece that's moved influences the next move. Could a designer that knows our thoughts influence the path we take?

As humans we have freewill and that we ultimately have many choices to our destiny just as in chess the move can take a different path. However, life's obstacles sometimes only give us certain choices and sometimes those choices make predictable moves. I am not trying to say that a designer forces our choices but is only designing our options and enlightening our path. We can choose to reject that path or learn to follow and trust that path having faith it leads to what we were meant to become. Perhaps leading to that special someone standing at that fork in the road with the answers we were seeking.

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