Knight In Black

Ch 9 Focus
Home | About the Author | Profile & Photos | Ch. 1 The Lost Soul | Ch 2 The Dark Ages | Ch 3 An Awakening Choice | Ch 4 The Sacrifice | Ch 5 Woven Cords | Ch 6 Outside the Box | Ch 7 The Untamed Tongue | Ch 8 Insanity | Ch 9 Focus | Ch 10 Catch the Blessing | Ch 11 Eyes of a Child | Ch 12 Life's Obstacles | Ch 13 Broken Love | Ch 14 Sinewed Souls | Ch 15 Endless and Pure



If the binoculars are blurry then adjust the lens so that you may better focus on what lies ahead. Blurry goggles may distort the appearances. What appears to be a friendly dog may just be a black panther seeking to devour you. Each day take time to focus and recognize approaching danger before it is too late.



Some things sound real but just zirconium
Their words seem wise but lead to delirium
In mountain streams we may discover gold
But is it genuine or pyrite we hold
We all can be fooled by what seems upright
Accepting as true but far from the light
We all can be hypocrites time to time
Offending humanity with our crime
All can be led astray to the cliffs edge
Being tempted to look over the ledge
Whoever said the roads would be cobblestones
Whose closet doesn't have skeletal bones
Wise words do not always come from the just
But words not the person shakes off the dust
This does not mean to walk a careless path
For wolves and sheep may both be spreading wrath
Nor should we simply trust flattering lips
For some mouths speak as deadly venom drips
But would you seek answers from one dressed black
If traveling by foot on a dark track
Though we should be cautious who lurks at night
The one dressed in black may provide some light



One who associates with those
Who flatter with their lips
Will be like a lost boat
Surrounded by enemy ships
One who associates with those
Who are quick to seek wrath
Will face many painful wars
Awaiting in their path
One who associates with whiskey
And ungratefulness
Shall rob the spirit of others
And be labeled hopeless


Revamping the end of the day
Confessing to where we stray
Time to time falling the dark way
Feeling helpless from life's dismay
Foolish words or mischief feeding
A strong drink or anger seeding
Leaves a cold lonely heart bleeding
If we always choose this leading.

The House Of Fools

Would you be so foolish
As to build your house
On the sand
As the streams rise and winds blow
No longer will the house
Yet how often do we hear
But do not practice
What's right
Just like the house crumbled
So will fools be crushed
In the fight



While our enemies boast as their foolish minds embellish
Stay the course of righteousness, blessings shall come to relish
Where there is a draught of wisdom the people will perish
But find safety amongst counselors their words we cherish
It is better to be a serf who seeks knowledge and discretion
When the enemy draws in he shall escape without detection
What wealth does a king gain that despises instruction
His foe shall behead him and kingdom lie in destruction





The one who claims the future and spreads details to entertain
Leads us astray for no one knows the future for certain
When people make plans solely on such foolish premises
Their conclusions bring forth failure, shame and utter madness
History and current habits best predict tomorrow
So concentrate on today, time's not something to borrow
Prepare for each day but stop and enjoy the adventure
As life sets the stage to whatever comes of the future


Imprudent Animals

To walk in the truth requires sacrifice
But the blessings exceed the burden's price
Yet many seduced by words of liars
Masked with the pleasure that suits their desires
Tickled by verses that tease itching ears
That freedom comes wherever the rudder steers
Enticed to a world of much excitement
Consumed by the hope of false enlightenment
Their teachers live by standards of treachery
Leading the lost with myths and mystery
They're lovers of self, blind and ungrateful
With no self control, brutal and hateful
Luring the crowd promising liberty
They themselves are slaves of depravity
Gluttons of lust to whatever pleasures them
Now enslaved to whatever masters them
Herding the lost to join in their mission
With flattering lips of sweet perversion
Like imprudent animals of instinct
Led to the slaughter to become extinct


Smother's Mate

Life is like playing a game of chess
A sudden move and one piece less
We step in faith for desired ends
Trying to learn our enemy's trends
We may choose a gambit, stride with the horse
Then slant with the bishop as we plot our course
We may castle the king and step with a pawn
But before we can breath our bishop is gone
Yet our mounted knight is a blinded snare
And the enemy's queen is our next square
When our rival seems quick to seal our fate
We may crush them with a Smother's mate


The Viper Lurks

The viper lurks from the trees seeking prey
One walking aimlessly their life to pay
Many fools lured to play in the trees
Hiding their games and doing as they please
Do not listen to their enticing words
Do not dance to their lyrics and chords
Keep your heart secure and choose friends wisely
Count all the costs before such a journey
Keep around your soul many rings of fire
Guard your words and path from the fool and liar
Stay away from tempters with blazing shield
Some try to penetrate with daggers concealed
Save inner circles for just your true friends
Don't follow drama it leads to dead ends
Stay dressed for battle and your sword at hand
Be alert and prod slow across this land
Do not return your sword to its sheathe
Until there is no air left to breathe
When the viper goes to strike you dead
Thrust with the sword and cut off its head
For within this jungle sly snakes seek lives
Being wiser determines who survives


The Lazy Man

The lazy man will not plow at the sight of cold
Begs during harvest, and dies before growing old.
His way is like a hedge of thorns, a path not clear.
His soul desires plenty but he has nothing but beer.
He waits until his rooftop leaks like a downspout
Then finds the corner of the room to mope and pout
Like a grasshopper he scoffs at ants working hard
He sleeps the summer long his belly full of lard
He begs from the government to take from the ant
Then he sleeps through the winter his remote at hand
Yes, he was suppose to croak from the starvation
But in reality he is saved from taxation.


Straight Paths

A person who does not stay on
A straight path
Made clearer
Is like the one who
Looks at their face
In the mirror
But after looking
Forgets the look
Of the reflection
Careless in their standards
And aimless in their

No one ever said
Walking the narrow path
Is light
We all stop to smell the roses
Off the trail,
Losing sight
But if you lose your way
Then listen as the winds
A still small voice calls for
All, your way will
Become crisper


Black and White

Because society has labeled something black or white
Doesn't mean that it is black or white.
For people tend to seek and accept
Only the answers that they want to hear
And through enough persuasion have convinced the mass
That what is black is white and what is white is black.
If the mass is not convinced then they have managed to blur
These two colors together to make them gray
Only to relinquish them from all accountability
That they not have to answer to what is the truth
That they can carry out there lies and repugnant acts.

Because one does not have any physical evidence to the truth
It does not mean that it does not exist
For truth can be found in everything
If one seeks it with all their heart, mind and spirit.
And when it is found it shall have no shade of gray
Or flashing of white to black, black to white
But it will forever remain constant in its original form
White will be white and black will be black.
It is by this truth and knowledge that we have life
But the moment we stop seeking it and accepting false claims
We will surely wilt and die, forever forgotten.


Drenched by Fate

The Sabbath runs red from martyr's blood
Who stood in word at enemy's flood
They spilled their flesh to save our souls
That truth be known when fate unrolls

The pride of man scoffs with dissent
Their hearts averse to repent
Their minds blinded in foolishness
Their ways perverse fallen hopeless

This time on earth is just a portal
To a new realm of immortal
One can believe in a monkey's tale
Or cast their hope that man don't fail
But I trust my Lord he will avail

I do not drink the blood from hate
But taste the blood drenched by fate
I heed my call as truth unearths
I walk in light as darkness births
Though I'm a man broken by sin
My hope lies in my Christ within

One can smoke the weeds of mystery
Seek escape from their misery
Mock the words of the truth be told
And feed their flesh with blood they sold
But in the Day of Judgment's path
There's no reprieve from heaven's wrath


The last generation of the western world that truly knew what it meant to survive is about to vanish over the horizon. Their values and wisdom abandoned by a new self absorbed society that would rather set their sight on worshipping youth rather than learning how to survive. Our forefathers escaped from oppressive governments to taste freedom and to give new hope for their children and their children's children. The hardships they faced when arriving here were far more than anything as a whole we ever faced. As the 20th century birthed many immigrants touched this new land having no money, no food and little understanding to the language. There were no social programs to care for them. It was either they learned to survive or they died. Many found refuge with the mines and mills earning just enough money to cover food and shelter for their family. They had no choice but to work 14 hour days and rely on the company for all their needs. Just as life started to improve this world was thrown into two world wars and a depression stripping them from the necessary labor to earn the means to survive. Somewhere in the midst of this adversity was a dream, a hope and the determination to make it through. The blood, the sweat, and the tears soaked the earth and the seeds of faith lying dormant waited their day to grow into a harvest of plenty. Families relied upon one another. Husbands and wives remained together through the bitter times. Children listened to their elders hoping to gain the necessary knowledge to overcome life's obstacles. The day had come as victory began to spring up out of the soil, fruit began to fill their branches and the harvest filled their barns. But with this wealth came the failure to appreciate where it had come. The first generations to bathe in the riches our forefathers have given to them were the baby boomers. But rather than be grateful and wise they chose to abandon the values of their ancestors and then slander and curse the very blood that was shed to provide them with it. They became self absorbed and open to corruption and all other sorts of perverse ways of living. They mocked with words such as "we need to teach our parents well" but then turned around failing to teach and raise their own children. Life to them was about getting high, sleeping freely with one another and allowing their children to just roam wherever the wind took them. This birthed a new generation, Generation X. A generation lost, with little vision of the future and no moral standard to live by. It is a generation that's sole purpose is "whatever makes you feel good today then seek it at whatever cost it may harm the needs of others and without any consequence that may occur tomorrow" This attitude has birthed for many a lazy, self centered, vicious and hateful generation set on destroying life as we know it. The definition of survival has taken on a new meaning. A survival not based on the need to breath, eat, drink and find shelter but one to survive from their inner selves. They have allowed themselves to be consumed by the darkness of drugs, hate, crime and the disease of this world's polluted ways. Yes I am part of this generation and have been bitten this worlds venom. A person can either choose to die by it or begin to learn to survive from the examples and teachings our forefathers have attempted to leave us. Before their ship can sail over the horizon take some time to learn from them how one can truly survive.

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