The Blood That Spills
The last hour was nigh to meet his fate
By powers of darkness consumed in hate
"Remove this cup" to his father he pled
As the red beads of sweat poured from his head
"But if it's your will I must face this lot
As prophets foretold, I forsake thee not"
Just a stone's throw away, his brothers slept
None at the watch as the enemies crept
Seized by nights cover betrayed by a kiss
Thirty shekels of silver for blood like this
Blasphemy spewing as tempers inflame
He stands there in silence to each false claim
The blameless one, must face this alone
Abandoned by brothers, left to his own
One comrade had cowered accused by his foes
“Three times you deny before the rooster
His master is beaten, mouth spilling red
Garments were torn as this sinless one bled
They clenched his hair as they ripped out his
Flesh torn from his face, his eyes disappeared
Passed through the courts his words put on
Messiah or not, he speaks no denial
The judge washes his hands, no wrong he sees
"Let the people choose to do as they please"
A murderer goes free when the men cry
It's God's child whom they wish to crucify
Tied to a post forty lashes less one
Flesh dangles in shreds before they are done
Led to a hall as soldiers encircle
Faintly he stands as they clothe him in purple
Head fitted with a crown of twisted thorns
Face drips with spat as the garrison scorns
The blows to his head beaten by a reed
Thorns puncture the skull as they watch him
"Get up on your feet and take up this cross"
Centurions mock, his body they toss
Tree on his back escorted to the street
His battered frame falls, his strength in defeat
Another would bear by soldier’s request
Dragging the cross to its final rest
The rusted nails sinking nine inches deep
The screams of anguish while the mothers weep
Mocking crowd gathers to watch his torment
Soldiers cast lots dividing each garment
His frail frame writhing in agony's stress
A body in shock, a heart in duress
He speaks these words after all he's been through
"Father forgive them, they know not what they
His mother broken lying in despair
As he suffocates struggling for air
She sees his life flash before her eyes
From virgin birth and the manger he lies
To boyhood days in the temple he yields
To young man's work, a carpenter he builds
The cold consumes, his life overtaken
Cries to his father are left forsaken