Knight In Black

Ch 7 The Untamed Tongue
Home | About the Author | Profile & Photos | Ch. 1 The Lost Soul | Ch 2 The Dark Ages | Ch 3 An Awakening Choice | Ch 4 The Sacrifice | Ch 5 Woven Cords | Ch 6 Outside the Box | Ch 7 The Untamed Tongue | Ch 8 Insanity | Ch 9 Focus | Ch 10 Catch the Blessing | Ch 11 Eyes of a Child | Ch 12 Life's Obstacles | Ch 13 Broken Love | Ch 14 Sinewed Souls | Ch 15 Endless and Pure



Why is it that we come to the
enlightenment of what is right yet we choose to gravitate
to a gray world fading to black? I believe it all begins with
the power of words. What we speak comes from the matters
of the heart. We either spread life or death.
What we choose to listen to will become the water to our soul.
Whether that water is pristine or bitter is up to your choosing.
But know this that the tongue has been responsible for every
war ever fought on this earth.


Many people will approach others seeking advice
But they only want pitied not the words to the wise
Other people like to boast their words of advice
But from their pedestals they be-little and chastise
The roots of sound advice comes from past humiliation
Someone tried and failed or gave in to the temptation
Cast not any stones les' you never have stumbled
For all fall in folly and must learn to be humbled
Give words gracefully and accept wisdom from a friend
Learn to stand together and race again till the end


Decaying Trust

A little white lie harms none
But who tells only one
A white lie leads to gray
And soon the trust will decay
What web of chaos we spin
When we choose deception
All we have worked for is lost
Loneliness is the cost



Twisted Sea

Songs of misery from others
A drowning pool that smothers
Spreading doom skies are falling
With clouds of fear that woe's are calling
Like whirlpools in a twisted sea
Spinning with polluted debris
When the moon is bleeding dark red
The sea will pull the drifting dead
When the vortex snags the plunder
Dead will grasp to take all under



The heart of the foolish rebuke the wise
They deny the truth choosing to live lies
When they reap the destruction they have sown
They will curse the wise for all that is known
Claiming they have poisoned their cup of life
And wanting them to pay for all their strife
This is the mind of a heart oozing hatred
No lessons learned, they defile what's sacred


The Sages Have Spoken

I. Words

Sticks and stones
May break my bones
But a cruel name
May long cast shame

A four-letter word
May just be absurd
But if it spells hate
It condemns our fate

The might of the tongue
When verses are sung
Can give life new breath
Or curse it with death

II. Forgiveness

Angry nights in tears
Sleeping with our fears
Shall open the gate
Giving refuge to hate

To eat of the fruit
From this bitter root
Shall poison the soul
Waiting bells to toll

But hearts forgiveness
Dissolves bitterness
That one may strengthen
And love once again

III. Faith And Love

Where no faith exists
Or no hope persists
Our love will forsake
And our hearts will break

Men without vision
Lacking decision
Idle and sterile
Will fall in peril

Love is just a verse
Unless we rehearse
With strong passion
In deeds and action

IV. New Life

Warm April showers
Young sprouting flowers
Cold October rain
Wilting in their pain

Summers to winters
Life and its splinters
When the flowers bleed
Earth receives its seeds

For every season
There is a reason
To replenish the earth
That new life will birth


V. Vision

Lost from the storms of life
Battered by the sea of strife
Broken as anguish grows
The darkness overshadows

But open the soul's eyes
And seek the northern skies
One light remains faithful
His promise always loyal

Sometimes skies must grow dark
To know where to embark
For like the northern star
One gives sight to lands afar

VI. Honor

The upright's integrity
Guides them to safety
But one's duplicity
Falls in calamity

Discipline and Honor
Lead to grace and favor
Kindness and nobleness
Lengthen days and vitalness

But a fallacious heart
Will be rended apart
Such souls reap what they sow
Forever left fallow


Smeared Gray

What is the course of our new generation
Making up the rules without reservation
Cursing the old as black and white is smeared gray
Morals becoming relative to the day
Have you heard, right is now wrong and wrong is right
Attacking truth and honor is the new fight
It's the master plan to imprison what's just
And excuse transgressions to pursue their lust
Many are dubious going with the trend
Like waves of the sea tossed about by the wind
Fooled in trickery to this deceitful plot
Allowing media to confound each thought
Minds open to this twisted reality
Will perish quickly in perverted frailty


Conversations With Fools

Conversing with fools is a waist of breath
They reject common sense and flirt with death
Cursing what's good and vomiting hatred
An abomination to what is sacred
Better to crawl in a dark musty cave
Than hear the contention when they rave
Better to have dry crust eaten in peace
Than listen to their strife at a great feast
Better to be closed minded and focused
Than the brain be open, eaten by locusts
These fools seek to excuse their perversion
Casting false charges as a diversion
They victimize but then cry the victim
Their deception is like toxic serum
Don't waist time listening to the absurd
Choose your words wisely and speak to be heard
Use your breath to resuscitate the lost
Stand firm living in truth whatever the cost

THOUGHT:   Remove the Fuel, Extinguish the Fire


If there is no wood then the fire will go out, so where there is no talebearer, strife will cease.  As coals are to burning coals, and wood to fire, so is a contentious man to kindle strife. Some people make it their daily mission to stir up trouble.  They cause so much pain, anxiety and despair that they are abhorred.  Their ways affect so many people around them to where the environment becomes a cesspool of misery and anything good is swallowed by the flames of the ignited misery. 


The sting of slander and other contentious words are like that of a scorpion sting.  The pain pierces, the stomach becomes nauseated, the flesh becomes chilled, and the body grows numb to the point of paralysis.  Slowly the very breath of our being dulls to the point where life escapes us.  Such cruel words from a talebearer are very difficult to combat.  However, if we learn to not entertain the talebearer and malicious words then we begin to rob them from their source of fuel.  If we find courage to confront and expose the contentious, slanderous words that they spread then we begin to corner that crustacean.  However, it takes a team effort to surround it before we can stamp on it’s head.


If you find yourself alone in this battle, have faith and patience in the creator.  He too abhors the words of a slanderous tongue.  Be cautious not to place your hand into any dark crevices where the scorpion waits.  Yet have courage to not just stand still in the face of fear and discontentment.  Remain steadfast in the principles of integrity and embrace that truth will one day be revealed.  On that day the scorpion will be caught in the desert sun without shelter to run under.  Left in this exposure it will burn up and shrivel to dust.


The Untamed Tongue

All creatures on land and sea
Can be tamed by man patiently
But his own tongue he cannot tame
Venom unleashing with deadly aim
All the good we do is defiled
When the tongue moves with words reviled
Though it is only a small part
It speaks mighty boasts from the heart
It sets ablaze fury unrest
Like a spark in a great forest
The fist may bruise another's head
But tongues cause war with millions dead
Setting man's course and destiny
Echoing through eternity

Power Of Words

Freedom must first come from within our soul
By yielding to the voice that makes us whole
One soul thirsts by the mountain stream retreat
Yet another's quenched in the desert heat
The power of words fulfills those who hear
Others left empty turning a dull ear
Some expressions impart a thousand thoughts
Soothing our dreams and untying knots
But the words from a tongue that never rests
Shed no light and the ramblings meaningless.


Psychology 101.

The average brain weighs about 3 pounds, contains 12 billion cells, each of which is connected to 10,000 other brain cells, totaling 120 trillion brain connections. Your brain supervises everything you do, from the involuntary beat of your heart to the conscious decisions of life. Although there are some things inherited that influence the mind the most significant influences are what we see, what we hear and how we decipher this information. This mind can be broken down into three major parts; the intellect, emotions and the will. Most of the brain consists of the intellect. Some traits are biologically inherited while others are formed while still in our mother's womb. Such traits will forever be a part of our lives and give a core to our personality. This explains why some people are more analytical, introverted and structured while others are more happy-go-lucky, extroverted and spontaneous. However, most of the rest of your intellect will be programmed through your senses through the course of life. Everything we see, hear, touch, taste and smell is recorded on the lobes of our brain, never to be forgotten. Some will easily come to the conscious mind while some will remain deeply stored in the subconscious mind rarely ever accessed. Our ability to analyze, create and imagine will determine how its is systematically stored. Of all the senses the two primary means of communicating to our brain are through our eyes and ears. At this point in our life what we have come to believe has been determined by almost everything that we have stored in the brain through the means of our eyes and ears. In other terms, the way we look at life and its affect on morals, work drive, integrity and life investment has been a process of programming information by what we saw, read or heard. And to think in this lifetime we will only use 10 percent of our brains while 11 billion brain cells will go unused. Another area of our brain that affects the process of our thinking is our heart or emotional center. This part of the mind is neurologically tied to every organ of one's body. When it is disturbed it has a direct affect all over, whether stomach pangs, heart racing or hormones being released into the blood stream. Yet feelings are not spontaneous but created by the information we stored in the brain and how we interpret its meaning. Basically whatever the eyes and ears communicate, the mind deciphers and then dispenses signals to the emotional center. Therefore whatever the eyes and ears feast upon will in turn feed our emotions. If you want the right feelings then learn to see and hear the right things so you can generate the right thoughts. In reverse, when you recognize wrong or harmful feelings, examine what you have been seeing and hearing lately and how your mind has been interpreting that information. In order to control your emotions you must control your mind first. The last area of your mind is the human will. This has been mostly influenced by one's inherited temperament but is also related to our spiritual drive. It tends to be in a constant fight with the emotional center and our ability to just rely upon intellectual reason. However without it we remain confined to our three dimensional world without a vision to forge ahead to new frontiers. A person weak in will becomes prey to what feels good today and influenced by how the world around will dictate one's ability to decipher information.

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