Knight In Black

Ch 11 Eyes of a Child
Home | About the Author | Profile & Photos | Ch. 1 The Lost Soul | Ch 2 The Dark Ages | Ch 3 An Awakening Choice | Ch 4 The Sacrifice | Ch 5 Woven Cords | Ch 6 Outside the Box | Ch 7 The Untamed Tongue | Ch 8 Insanity | Ch 9 Focus | Ch 10 Catch the Blessing | Ch 11 Eyes of a Child | Ch 12 Life's Obstacles | Ch 13 Broken Love | Ch 14 Sinewed Souls | Ch 15 Endless and Pure



Somewhere in the journey from
childhood to adulthood we lost much of our love, hope
and faith as the deluge of turmoil swallowed it up. As a
child we found joy in the simple things, friends among
those different than us and castles in our own backyards.
When you wake up tomorrow try looking at the matters
of the day through the eyes of a child. Perhaps the world
may look a whole lot greener and adventurous.


Eyes of a Child

Small creations to rainy days restyled
When dark clouds disrupt the April mild
Living like no tomorrow
Little hug hushes sorrow
So is the world through the eyes of a child

Jumping from the bunk into pillows piled
The mischief detected as daddy smiled
With a sweet loveable face
Reaching upward to embrace
So is the world through the eyes of a child

Where there is no racism or wrongs compiled
Where love's freely given and joy runs wild
Sunrises to laugh and scream
Faith to achieve any dream
So is the world through the eyes of a child

Their heart not in tuned to being beguiled
This innocence never should be reviled
Tender smile to a stranger
Not sensing any danger
So is the world through the eyes of a child.


Castle With A View

It was our domain where the tall grass grew
In the whistling song as the warm wind blew
The strands toasted brown from the August sun
Its soft caresses in afternoon fun
The fresh scent of clover and timothy
And katydid tunes in soft melody
We made secret trails cut through the deep field
To sunken terrain for hideouts to build
With beach towel capes like supermen wear
And crabapple bombs to fling through the air
We dived in the grass with our arms spread wide
And crawled underneath for a place to hide
Time appeared to stop as the sparrows sung
The bumblebees buzzed and grasshoppers flung
Til that faintly heard jingle caught us at play
Circling the bend interrupting our day
With capes flying high through the field we soared
Yelling "Ice Cream!! Ice Cream!!" as bellies roared
Tasting the delight of a dreamsicle treat
As creamy nectar dripped down at our feet
We then watched the airplanes crisscross the sky
With their feathery streaks painted on high
Til the sun dipped low, yellows fading red
From Crimson to purple as star lights spread
The world seemed like a castle with a view
And dreams were saw in many shades of hue.


Treasure In The Box

Dad arrived home and wheeled in a huge box
Waiting, watching, what mystery unlocks
Rolling up the stairs and in through the door
Sitting it down on the living-room floor
Our minds were filled, consumed with surprise
Watching him open with his bulging eyes
From the box to the corner he slid
Just like us with the excitement of a kid
The big wooden frame had funny looking ears
And in that frame a snowman appears
Dad played with the ears and turned its nose
Then started yelling at that picture that snows
He smacked the side before going to the roof
He was on a mission to remove the snowy goof
Up and down many times in delirium
Twisting and turning some funny metal stem
The more hissing we heard the more angry he got
Til kicking the box that he just had bought
Bouncing it through the room, out the door it went
Not much caring about the money he spent
While dad watched that snowman the rest of the day
We took the large box to the yard to play
We cut out some windows and painted the side
Then cut out the middle to open wide
We crawled in and looked all around
It truly was a castle that we had found
While dad continued to cry like a boy
Sulking all day with his broken kids toy
Our afternoon was spent in much pleasure
For we discovered dads genuine treasure


Sanctuary Within

As a child there was this secluded spot
A sylvan of tall trees to gather in thought
A haven of peace and sanctuary
A hideaway to run off and bury
The maple trees made the best place to play
Long outward limbs that wind would gently sway
Spending many hours of fun in the trees
Pretending to fly when feeling the breeze
A place where I could dream any dream
Find tranquility and be free to scream
It was solitude where my mind took shape
When either sad or just needing escape
These woods gave peace beyond distant measure
It had become my own hidden treasure
One spring day when strolling home from school
Life as a child suddenly became cruel
In shocking surprise ripping out my heart
Trees cut down, my sanctuary torn apart
The hideout in the woods was no longer
Stripped away by the ugly tree monger
The old maples were sawed up and taken
Loggers ran off with my entire haven
The trucks spun and tore up the ground
The land left barren no hideaway found
Sanctuary gone not leaving a tree
Left with stubs and vines and shredded debris
No one else seemed to understand this pain
But as a child it was a horrific stain
They just kept saying it would be ok
There are plenty places to run and play
Some things can't be replaced once they are lost
Part of childhood stolen and dreams were tossed
Sometimes there are no words to console
It's just another chapter in life's role
The only true remedy has been time
Eventually finding more trees to climb
I often visit that place in memory
It became a sanctuary within me

Proud Robert McGee

There is a man from San Fran
His name is Robert McGee
A genius in calculus
Proud of his doctorates degree

Loud to speak, scoured the meek
Filled with self-admiration
Then a lad, a grade school grad
Wisely asked him a question

"There's six crows sitting in rows
'Til you shoot one of them down
How many crows sit in rows
Now that one is on the ground?"

"Anybody past grade three
Will know the answer to this
There are five still sitting alive
Unless your poor aim shall miss."

"Sorry sir you're in error
Commonsense you display none
A dead bird and a shot heard
No more crows but the dead one"

"Just one dead bird, how absurd
You are right I missed one fact
There's a fool past third grade school
That can not add or subtract."

Mr. McGee as schooled as he
Thought that he was very smart
No delight to see the light
But only to speak his own heart


Castles of the Heart

I walked the shore like days before
...But today I found a surprise
For on the beach where tides can't reach
...Was a castle above the rise
Crafted arches, courtyard mazes
...And staircases etched up each side
A moat to surround walls of brown
...As a bridge crossed over the wide
I pondered there in question's stare
...To whom had built such a tower
I pictured a child with buckets piled
...Helping dad for many an hour
They went that day to splash and play
...Till finding their place in the sand
They worked with skill at oceans still
...Passing buckets from hand to hand
Carving and shaping then landscaping
...Till forming this masterful art
Father and son in treasured fun
...Building castles out of their heart


The origin of many nursery rhymes was for the purpose to parody the royal and political events of that day. Such rhymes exposed or confronted injustice and social immorality by its leaders. Any direct dissention against the government may have resulted in punishment by death. Other nursery rhymes were written to teach moral messages to children and through song these teachings were easily remembered and passed by word of mouth from generation to generation. This age has come to neglect two important values that nursery rhymes once tried to instill. The first disregard has been for the ability to express our thoughts, opinions and to expose the truth. We have taken for granted our freedom of speech. We become angry when we disagree with a particular social group or the expressions of individuals that challenge our own values and standards. In our hearts we wish there were laws to silence them. Whether they are wrong or not, we fail to realize by restricting their freedom we would only rob ourselves of the same such freedom. The second failure our society does not reckon with is the teaching of our children in the ways of honor, integrity and upholding a good name. We quickly pass them off so that we can pursue our own selfish ways as they indulge themselves in television, music, video games and their peer groups to learn about the ways of life. We have also placed our trust in the schools, government and/or other social organizations to teach them morals and values. How sad it is when we depend on the media or status quo to program their lives. We have a responsibility as they encounter this world to enlighten them to the truth and danger that surrounds them, to listen to their needs and to become involved with their daily activities. It requires us to sacrifice our time and to see through the eyes of a child to better understand how they are encountering the world before them. The media and our schools may be a good source of information but it also may be a distorted one on a course to brainwashing our children to the future of their making. Who loves your children more, you or them? A society that forgets its history, takes for granted its freedoms and fails to disciple its children in truth and moral responsibility will create a future of repeated failure and great misfortune, a future where evil rulers will again control the masses through tyranny.


When Thunder's Near

When the thunders roar before the pour
It is the pangs before the birth

When heaven cries at the darkened skies
It is the tears that feed the earth

The pitter patter and all the chatter
Awake all the seeds left asleep

Long after night in the rising light
Those seeds will stem up from the deep

So do not fear when thunder's near
For God has reason for the showers

Let your eyes rest till morning's crest
Then see all the springing flowers


Tubby Jim Fox

Tubby Jim Fox.....
......Stood on a box
To tell the world what he knew

But a huge gust......
......With swirling dust
Tumbled poor Jim from his view

The Chubby Rat

Up crawled a rat, all chubby and fat
To gnaw on a piece of brittle
He ate and ate to a sluggish state
As his belly swelled in the middle
In flew a cat to where he sat
Looking for a tender bone
The rat tried to run but weighed a ton
Becoming a meal of his own

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All poetry is copyright 2001 through 2009
All rights reserved.
Use by permission.