When The Night Falls
The lonely walk on a cold November eve.
On the brink of winter, the last fallen leave
Howling wind shifting you on a straying path.
The brown, crumbling earth as frost has laid its wrath.
Lost and confused, reaching forward without sight,
While the dark, new moon sleeps at the crest of night.
Stumbling aimlessly helpless from way to way.
Fear of the unknown, long from the break of day.
A sudden screaming wind casts forth its vengeance
Shoving you through briers with no resistance
Pounding you to the ground as your clothes are torn
The moon's back is turned the trees bristle and scorn
Not one star can flicker a glimmer of light
Swallowed up from the woods of a distant height.
Yet you crawl finding the path left trodden
Slowly to your feet, courage not forgotten
The wind has now past but the forest still dark
Faced with a blinding journey you must embark.
As the night stands still listen for a faint voice
A friend seeks you providing hope and choice.

Weeping Many Lyrics Alone
The verses from life's stormy doom
call attention to your distress
The struggles through a dreary gloom
hopes for your hurting soul to rest
Dark storms can show a world of light
for it reveals our true nature
Battered, torn, not a chosen fight
a heart broken beyond measure
Many nights to bathe your weary soul
in the raging sea of tears
Fierce thrashing waves of trouble roll
fiery words to conceal your fears
Anger, justifiably so
weeping many lyrics alone
Salt in the wounds failing to let go
beautiful soul turning to stone
Let the fragrance from your fragile heart
breathe sweetness instead of pain
The sea will calm when winds depart
left to rest in the quiet rain

From Frozen Chambers
Whistling wind on a haunting winters night
The pathway covered by the swirling white
The tree limbs breaking from the bitter cold
Walking blindly as the chill takes its hold
No choice but to challenge the blizzard's fight
Alone and confused in life's mindless chain
Soul and essence bitten by frosts pain
Thrashing wind is pushing into the back
Left for lost when drifting snow hides each track
The path abandoned to seek clear terrain
The sudden cracking sound below the feet
Quickly falling underneath the ice sheet
The lake swallows the last breath to life's war
Body and soul is frozen to the core
Captured in thick ice leaving no retreat
The screams left unheard stricken by this fate
Not able to move in cryonic state
Feeling alone as this numbness runs deep
Time seems to be passing to a dark sleep
Lest ice is broken it shall be too late
While trees on shore caught in their own demise
The lake silences all desperate cries
Falling snow buries any steps trodden
Ice imprisons left to be forgotten
Blank staring face when a soul slowly dies
The fading beats beneath a congealed wall
The race against time before mortals call
A searching heart listening for any pleas
Finds a white scarf entangled in the trees
And then the glassy tomb left from the fall
Crashing through solid ice clenched fists dive
Pulling from the depths seeking to revive
From frozen chambers risking at all cost
Attempting to save before life is lost
Can living breaths make this soul alive?

Empty Soul
Oh how she stood and stared wondering who
Heavy heart pondering paths to continue
The outside comes in her inside spins out
Painful memories scattering about
Journey started before knowing the cost
She now stands alone everything lost
The happy girl when her life seemed clearer
Becomes an empty soul blank in the mirror

Blackened World
The shadowy grays concealing all light
The dreary dusk shedding its dew
The steps of blindness in darkening hour
A battered heart having no clue
Tomorrow's promise, a web of deceit
The silky threads snagging her tight
A venomous pierce rushing within
Paralyzing her, slowing her fight
The spinning nylon blackening her world
Flaming toxins numbing her soul
Deception tightens, stealing her breath
Her struggling heart in a drummers roll
I hear her voice quivering tonight
The rolling tears and broken heart
I feel her numbness from poison's chill
But helpless I am from worlds apart

Unbeaten Way
The darkened path around the bend
Unbeaten way, where does it end
The crescent moon's mischief smile
Just a dance of its twinkling guile
Lured to explore blackened hollow
Inner woods and souls they swallow
Where has the innocence gone
Vanished from sight no trace at dawn

Ghostly Sea
The deep endless blue tumbles and rolls The chiming sea-bell listlessly tolls The
mariner lies the morning sleeping As misty vapor is silently creeping The wind slithers his vessel to the sea Sliding
without disturbing, quietly Suddenly awake to ships passing roar His lost hazy mind cannot find the shore White
silhouettes fading in and out Waves of the ocean tossing him about The damp salty mist clings to his face The
ghostly sea swallows leaving no trace Somewhere in the deep the answer lies Three tolls of the bell next morning rise
Learning the truth and seeking the truth is what drives our intellectual desires. When the foundations of what we have
learned and perceived as truth starts to crumble it can cause our lives to spin from its very foundation. As children we learn
to easily trust and accept. But somewhere along the line we learn there is no Santa Clause, Easter Bunny or Tooth Fairy. So
begins the test of trust and truth with those who are most close to us and every foundation that has been set up around us.
This kind of test leads to the birth of "The Weary Way" the desire to know what lies beyond the shadows. For me
I had to know. I could not accept anything by faith without seeing for myself. The intrigue and excitement comes with a price
and so we learn there is an evil that lurks in the dark.

The Weary Way
A wayward time has given birth
To see beyond the edge of earth
Out of the gray into the black
In darkened skies no traces back
New moon hovers in secret pass
No star to shine as clouds amass
The valley echoes in stillness sound
The pitch of night no light is found
Tightly inching the narrow ledge
Staring over the outer edge
Above the cliff, town of sorrow
A faithless hope cries tomorrow
The rhyme of man, the fate to all
By dust they come, to dust they fall
Old clock ticks in the middle square
Its hands of time do not care
The pendulum swings from this tower
Twelve tolls to sound the midnight hour
Silence broken with deathly rattles
The grip of fear, the soul embattles
Awakened wolves in distant howl
Questions uttered from hooting owl
What lies in the deepened ravine
The swallowed light, below unseen
Is there life or is there death
For racing heart, consuming breath
The last bell tolls then silence rings
The thoughts come clear as stillness sings
Shall see what lies at break of day
For now must inch the weary way

Cobblestone Road
Although your shoulders carry a heavy load
Just beyond the trees lies the cobblestone road
Dark skies overshadow and the owls screech loud
But the moon is just hidden behind a cloud
Take a moment to locate your solitude
Where kookaburras sing another attitude
Times may be difficult when life has us down
Seeking that inner peace and ridding the frown
Yet deep within us lies a voice shedding light
Leave the apples lie until you gain your sight
Walk out from the trees and wait for the moon
The cobblestone road will reveal itself soon.

An old Creole proverb states "The rock in the water does not know the pain of the rock in the sun" We truly
don't know the pain that another goes through. In comparison our own experiences and pain may only be a rock in the water.
Yet we focus on our own pain while another is consumed in agony in the inner core of the sun. We miss the writing on the wall,
the silent cries, and the mysteries that lie beneath the vast sea where the pain, the scars, the loneliness, and coldness
dwell concealed by their painted smiles. Their hearts bleed in anguish, their stomachs pang in torment and their legs struggle
to remain standing. The world judges humanities crimes by the laws as written in books yet our hearts commit crimes daily
through bitterness, negligence, apathy and misguided words that cause another's candle to burn out. We allow ourselves to
be guided by the world's labels, practices of partiality and the roads paved by the status quo. Take time this day to listen
and respond to the silent songs weeping beneath the sea.

Sung In Silence
The white froth tumbles and rolls
The path it takes no one controls
Creeping water in salty mist
'neath shading skies of amethyst
Today's castle inside out
From grays and blues waltzing about
Two steps forward where shorelines meet
Its cool wetness buries my feet
Moonlight flickers the ocean vast
Shallow glimpse of its deepened past
So my heart hides its essence
Beneath the sea sung in silence
Standing in the hour glass
Smothered by the time to pass
Ticking hand
Trickling sand
The fate to come "Alas,Alas"
Gripped by its pulling swallow
Slowly pressed through its hollow
Gasping life
Torn in strife
Tis the journey all must follow

Dry Tears
In the hallway
Between two voids
Volumes of sorrow
War and peace
Conflicting within
A painted smile
Keeps truth concealed
Would trusting again
Be insane
This earth has offered
Its last lie
Numb to the world detached
From pain
The well of the tear ducts
Run dry
Every angry drop
Will spill
Trying to let go
Of despair
Though the wounds of the soul
Shall heal
The scars will forever
Be there.
Dying Heart
Has the innocence of one's heart died?
Or is it the loneliness that they hide
We're always at constant war with our self
And feel others have placed us on the shelf
Though we may sleep our minds begin dreamin'
Haunted by a past and closet demon
Enticed in this world in quest of freedom
But falling captive stung by its venom
Bitterness takes root from the hand of fate
And anger enrages with vengeful hate
It is hard to escape from acrid times
When we fall victim to the world's crimes
Cling with courage and faith instead of doubt
Do not allow the candle to burn out
Let not the worlds transgressions steal your life
Let go of yesterday that looms with strife
Do not allow compassion to depart
For it will bring love back into your heart

My Soul Sleeps
Entering a long dark corridor
A heavy door slams from behind
My point of return forever sealed
As rhyme or reason scrambles in my mind
The damp, damp floor seeps in my shoes
And cobwebs above sweep about my face
The walls whisper haunting from the past
And wind escapes me as the nightmares chase
My heart becomes frail and eyes strain for sight
My blood runs cold as I shiver with sorrow
I crave the touch of truth to warm my soul
But it lies from reach in scrolls of tomorrow
Somewhere halfway I slide to my rest
As a small light stretches through the wall
My misty breath reflects off the beam
Then crystallizes as I watch it fall
My hands lose their feel frozen to the floor
And soon my mind rests as numbness creeps
The tablets of tomorrow closed and bound
For my eyes have fallen as my soul sleeps
O how long can I lie here all alone
Left in peace with no one to cause me pain
A solitude my own where no other belongs
Where the world stops and gravity becomes sane
Grasping the Edge
Grasping into the sharp crevice
Clinging to the edge of earth
Life pouring from my brow
Hanging on for all it's worth
Feet dangling high in the air
Seemingly miles from the ground
Rocks falling to an endless reach
Leaving not one trickle of sound
My feet wrestle for a step
As my fingers slide from their grip
The moments flash re-living life
Before I finally tire and slip
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