Knight In Black

Ch 5 Woven Cords

Home | About the Author | Profile & Photos | Ch. 1 The Lost Soul | Ch 2 The Dark Ages | Ch 3 An Awakening Choice | Ch 4 The Sacrifice | Ch 5 Woven Cords | Ch 6 Outside the Box | Ch 7 The Untamed Tongue | Ch 8 Insanity | Ch 9 Focus | Ch 10 Catch the Blessing | Ch 11 Eyes of a Child | Ch 12 Life's Obstacles | Ch 13 Broken Love | Ch 14 Sinewed Souls | Ch 15 Endless and Pure



Not everything is pre-destined but I believe
that fate plays a part in our lives. Some opportunites
seem to unfold like a chest game. Sometimes we meet
people and we instantly have some type of connection
before words are even spoken. In my own experiences
many times I have met people and knew within
my inner soul that this person was meant to cross my path
whether for just a passing moment or to travel with for a time.
Is it coincidence? I believe I have been through too much, have
seen too much and have escaped too many storms to think that
it is all coincidence. There have been many times I have felt
deep down inside a force beyond this worlds understanding
tugging me in a direction that opposes what appears logical.
Sometimes it is a silent witness to a rendezvous with destiny
revealing pieces of the puzzle to our existence and purpose.
Sometimes it is someone else at that meeting place holding one
of the pieces . I have learned to place trust in this inner knowledge
and find courage even when it means traveling through a desert
or trusting in a stranger. Sometimes we must walk through the
desert to find our fate on the other side.
Sometimes we may have to place trust in someone
else to supply us water in order to survive.



The quest to understand our existence
Comes with much skepticism and resistance
Made gray by false doctrines and tradition
We have tossed aside divine rendition
Challenging divinity with one's doubt
Denying the God ancients spoke about
Is only rooted in faith of their own
As their science tries to define the unknown
Does happenstance truly explain life's birth
It’s infinite intelligence here on earth?
How from nothing did planets and stars disperse
To form this great revolving universe
How does the moon and sun keep earth in grace
Sustaining life by keeping it in place
All things precise for a living biosphere
With seas and land to a breathing atmosphere
Each part with purpose in a circle of life
Upset the balance, catastrophic strife
When we examine the smallest creation
And all of it’s intricate information
A million encyclopedias can’t unfold

All the intelligence that life must hold
What force created this intellect?
Can something nonliving devise and erect?
Can such energy with no profound mind,
Evolve from nothing to a living kind,
Can it advance from oblivious brink
Yet leave no trail of each passing link?
Or is our course from a great deity
Carefully making every entity
Crafting each piece like a Swiss artisan
That this world keeps ticking in unison
And would such a divine preeminence
Attempt to dwell with man and his essence

On this day what will you choose to conceive?
As for me it's very clear what to believe.




Infinity is such a complex theory to grasp.  Yet there are so many questions that are asked if we try to define everything in finite terms.  One may ask does the universe stretch on forever galaxy after galaxy or somewhere out there does it just end. And if it ends then what is on the other side? One may also pose the question when did the universe begin. And if there was a beginning to it then what was before the universe? What caused the universe to suddenly come into existence? Can time just suddenly begin or has time always been? When posing such questions it brings into perspective that infinity must be real.


The next question posed is whether there is somewhere out in the far reaches past the universe where nothing exists.  If the universe is expanding then what is it expanding into? Obviously that nothing has to be something so that the universe can expand in to it. At initial thought our human brains think....everything has a beginning and an end. Yet

If there is a beginning then what was before that beginning?

Atheist often challenge the existence of God by confronting the believer to define God’s beginning and if all things are created by him then who created him? Christians can only embrace by faith what is written. We believe that God is infinite. He always was and always will be. Some may scoff at that yet when posed with their own existence they must look for the beginning of time and the measure of the universe.  I say when looking at our own universe it points that perhaps infinity does exist. Even if we believe the Big bang theory we are left with more questions. What created the big bang and what existed before it? NOTHING????? Hmmmmm....I can't comprehend that Nothing existed...even time itself. So with that in my mind why is it so hard to accept by faith that God is infinite?   Obviously to believe in a Big bang it has to be by faith.  Otherwise our existence has to be totally ignored and left unanswered.  Our brains have to be left closed not to explore the unanswered questions.


If the universe started as defined by the big bang theory, then what was point zero? Was it a huge empty vacuum? Before the universe what initially created this huge emptiness.

With that said...does infinity stretch into other realms? What about the human body?  What is the smallest component of our body?  Is it DNA?  If so what is DNA made up of? If it is made up of something then something has to be smaller than DNA. 


Now if our bodies are a universe then notice how almost each miniscule part of it must function in certain way in order for everything to eventually work and thrive. Each cell has to have a certain makeup of intelligent parts to do what it does. Then that cell has to have a certain intelligence to perform its function within the body’s chemistry. The chemistry must perform its specific function for the organs to work.

Without going into detail the earth itself has such a design to where most every part has to do its part so that it can function and take care of itself to sustain life, whether it is the life cycle, the food chain, the water cycle, the seasons, etc. Take one part out of it and it upsets the balance and can lead to its destruction. But yet notice also how it can repair itself much like our bodies can repair itself. Then take the solar system...If we were 1/100th closer to the sun then we would burn up. Slightly further away and we would freeze. If the moon was not present then it would affect the tides which would also upset the balance to our existence. If the other planets did not exist then many other asteroids would have hit us and it would have also upset our gravitational pull with the sun. Bottom line we could write a book on this....All of which as science develops it more and more discovers intelligence far beyond our imaginations. This is one strong reason why I cannot grasp the concept that there is No God. In the court of law we have what is called circumstantial evidence and through that things have been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. All the circumstantial evidence within us and within the universe points to intelligent design. A master piece that happenstance could not create and time and distance could never measure.


Human Frailty

When the fiercest storms of life are still blowing
It is true love that stands in the suffering
Our love must be given with no conditions
To understand its beauty and affections.

Not in fear being impulsive and reckless
But sacrificing self with care and tenderness
Being wise and foreshadowing each consequence
Letting love endure to the end with patience

Will we weather the storms being confident?
Or be blind by pride, foolish and arrogant?
Do we guard against selfish desire and envy?
Not quickly provoked to anger and jealousy?

Can we forgive others when they laugh and jeer?
Can we seek truth if it is our darkest fear?
Will we wish evil upon our enemy?
Or seek peace while respecting all equally?

Will we lead for others not for our own sake?
Can we see in the storm what is real or fake?
Love is a continual task not to abort.
In human frailty we all have fallen short.


Conditional love always degenerates into a pan-scale love. Soon its not a matter of "What can I give" but "What is in this for me" This type of demanding love from the other robs them from the very oxygen of their soul. In their survival they reciprocate the same demand and one day you both wake up and have falen out of love. Love is not a demand but must be given freely. And forgiveness and trust are the most difficult elements to give.


In Passing

Upon mountain peaks above rolling hills
Those good thoughts with a celestial feel
Only moments standing, viewing from the crest
Another valley for another quest
The plummet down much easier task
Half-way down a stranger I stop and ask
"How is the weather down in the valley"
"Rained for days, unknown inches to tally
Oh the miles I tread I'm growing weary
Is the peak worth it, I'm feeling leery"
"The summit's heavenly you must continue
And coming down is a refreshing view"
As my foot stepped in hers and hers in mine
We were about to tread the others line
Each of us sharing the same spot in life
But different perspectives dealing with strife
One facing floods but feelings of relief
Other facing blue skies feelings of grief
Each must continue or something is lost
Whether up or down we must bare the cost.



Standing in crossroads of life, too many options to make
In which direction to go or what vehicle to take
Deluge of tears in the valley, mountains overshadow
But find comfort in rod and staff and flood's become shallow
Let go of misleading words that have us peering at our face
Everyday we fall short but get up and finish the race
The wisdom from another should impart confirmation
To what the wind already spoke that gave the revelation
Self-made guilt, self-fulfilling prophecy, left downtrodden
Holding on after confessing, doubting that it's forgotten
Some problems root like dandelions, they can't be mowed down
Choosing these quick fixes, come morning long ugly stems abound
We are at constant life long war with the carnal mind
But with each morning sun to rise, new mercies to find
Get out of the dark cave where mold rapidly increases
Expose oneself in the light where it's existence ceases
Eat of the words written by the prophets and sages
Let their verses be the light pages upon pages
Mighty warriors are not born but made by life's afflictions
Roots to stand firm, fit to survive larger tribulations
Its faith providing us with assurance of things hoped for
Belief of things not yet seen to opportunities door
Everyday we face trouble but there are blessings in disguise
If we look at the glass half full making choices for the wise


Woven Cords

The will inside our lives is free to choose
But roving without vision much to lose
Our lives like a rope strung through the bends
Pulled and twisted and knotted at the ends
In this quest of life the fibers run thin
We'll fray and break without intervention
Strength can be found as we move forward
When others entwine like a woven cord
Their strands are much stronger strung together
When coiled tight they withstand any weather
When one weaves left another pulls in balance
How we are spun is destiny not chance
Reflect on life and recall your history
Notice how our worlds weave in mystery
Seems like a course the morning star inspired
Intertwining paths as the journey transpired
In a rendezvous of time two souls will meet

Trading the right words to overcome defeat
Is this all just coincidental strands
Or some braided thread of a master's hands?
Some people just pass with a random message
But others hand keys to a brand new passage
Many times we don't know we have that key
Until we give ourselves to those we see  
Taking time to comfort another's strife
In just those moments may alter their life
Sowing such seeds before the day is done
Something more shall rise with next morning’s sun
Power, wealth and beauty shall pass like a wave
But woven cords shall last far beyond the grave


The Pouring Rain

I heard that voice in whispering wind
The warm breeze caressing by
I saw the dove, feathers of white
gracefully dancing in the sky
I smelled the trickle clouding up
Before the rain came pouring down
I touched its essence in my hands
and tasted its life, a life renoun

Its touch of grace for dawning day
The old has died for renaissance
The river fills with healing pour
Washing away the hurt that haunts
Do you hear the wind calling your name
Do you smell the mist of pouring rain
Do you see the wings of passing dove
Making the way for this raining love



Poetic Form

Before there was life there was song
Before there was song there was verse
Before there was verse there was word
And when the word was spoken
The heavens began to sing
The stars began to harmonize
The planets began to synchronize
The universe began to dance
And life took on poetic form



Listen to the sound of the quiet still
As the sun slowly fades over the hill
There in the midst you shall gently hear
My voice and presence so closely near

I know you miss me, I miss you too
The laughs, the tears, all the times with you
Each moment and memory stored within
Bringing me comfort till we meet again

Do not dwell in a valley of sorrow
Grasp to the hope that rises tomorrow
Embrace it to the hour of your last breath
As you cross that valley in the dusk of death

A couple of score and less a dime
Seems quite the tarry in the sands of time
Yet life is but a drop of morning dew
When that vapor rises I will meet you

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All poetry is copyright 2001 through 2009
All rights reserved.
Use by permission.