
Criminal Squealing
From the tempers seething
To the angry breathing
The subliminal dealing
Of criminal squealing
The heavy weighing toll
Effecting the tired soul
Just need to get away
The tearing day to day
It's been more than enough
Of the contentious stuff
Fists becoming clenched
Thoughts becoming wrenched
From lies in which they hide
As others take their side
Their morbid history
And words of misery
Heinous in their hate
When will judgment seal their fate?

Mad Man
The night under the blood red moon
Howling barks from a decrepit loon
Consumed with social anxiety
Losing each piece of his sanity
Spinning voices within his head
Dangling by a thin strand of thread
The screws being pulled from the hinge
On the brink of lunatic fringe
Societal fears keeping him bound
The world closing in all around
The scattered thoughts like deja vu
Painted thick in a crimson hue
Did you hear that whispering voice
"Leave me alone I had no choice"
A wretched man haunted through time
The price he must pay for his crime
Rotting mind as the demons thresh
Worms devour his decaying flesh
Through the night one can hear his moans
His empty soul just dead man's bones

Inside Out
"Tell us Mister McCray...What do you have to say
Have you paid the toll...and salvaged your soul
Why are you are here....why should you get parole?"
"One night I was lookin' to git me some shookin'
I Danced wit a bunny...just wantin her honey"
Like a cat in the hat...she stuck me in the back"
"She thought it be funny, to take all my money
But I danced wit her....and showed her whose Joe
Now I landed this rut, doin' more than my cut"
"I have served for my crime...payin the piper his dime.
I've given plenty of time...in this hell hole of grime
I'm done gettin stitches diggin' all of your ditches"
"Look, I've done my bit...can't take this sh*t
I have paid the toll....I want back my soul
You all just gotta grant me parole"
"Outside in, inside out...I gotta git out
I gotta git out...Find a new route
B*tches all about...Gotta scream and shout"
"Well Mr. McCray....you have had a busy stay
Fight after fight...and night after night
How do you explain...such a record of stain?"
"Life can be striflin' when the cellie is triflin'
The slobber on his bib...Too much talk from his rib
His britches on my crib... and tellin' fib after fib"
"I had the urge to purge...This skanked cat from the Burgh
So I leaped wit a surge...that had fire to scourge
My fist hit his sound, and he fell to the ground"
"Buzzin by the dozen...when those gray bellies roll
They tackled and grappled and issued their toll
They rammed and slammed, then threw me in the hole"
"Outside in, inside out...I gotta git out
I gotta git out...Find a new route
B*tches all about...Gotta scream and shout"
"The walls are screamin'... and Freddy is dreamin'
I'm Woven in leaven...Twenty three seven the spot
Just three hots and a cot and these raps that I got"
"The joker is screechin' while Johnny is preachin'
The old man is snorin' while his cellie is reachin'
Tick, Tick, Tock there are no hands on the clock"
"I can't take no more of those echoes on the floor
That slither and wither and then rest at my door
As I lie there wondrin' what tomorrow has stored"
"Outside in, inside out...I gotta git out
I gotta git out...Find a new route
B*tches all about...Gotta scream and shout"
"Tit for tat, tat for tit, Some cat talking some sh*t
Rappin' bout his game, lookin' for some fame
That mutter has no business speakin' my name"
"Less walk than his talk, Sherlock rapped his last dig
Wit a rock in the sock, I split that dudes wig
Like Enron wit the stock, I quickly stole his clock"
"There was no more tit for the tat or a ratta a tat tat
No cat is going to spat less he can hold onto his hat
My biz is my biz, so old Sherlock had to lose his wiz"
"Outside in, inside out...I gotta git out
I gotta git out...Find a new route
B*tches all about...Gotta scream and shout"
"Like the dog on the hog...they come ringing their bell
Jumpin from cell to cell, wit sweet nothins to tell
I truly need a break from these switch hitters on the take"
"Ganging and clanging...Joe's near the hut hanging
A fag on the rag, wit hair and clothes dat are banging.
My fist enrages before dat mutter engages"
"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairy near my stall
That humpty dumpty on the call, caught a fist and took a fall
none of the kings men could put him back together again"
"Outside in, inside out...I gotta git out
I gotta git out...Find a new route
B*tches all about...Gotta scream and shout"
"An Old head at the mouth, Much talkin bout the south
His jive is unstable as he tells anutter fable...
Can't somebody place that cat in the cradle"
"That gray haired loon needs a silver spoon
All the boys in blue need to quiet his tune
Night after night he just barks at the moon"
"His broken hip, sunken ship...scarred lip hanging low
Too much crack from the cane scattered his mind to and fro...
I finally went insane, ended up cracking his old brain"
"Outside in, inside out...I gotta git out
I gotta git out...Find a new route
B*tches all about...Gotta scream and shout"
"One holla per dolla...Just one calla a day
A call of bad news from my misses McCray
So I got me some hooch to forget about that pooch"
"Smell of squirts of desserts...Two gray shirts at the rung
My juice down the sh*tter...A nutter snitch has sung
So my night got bitter...stuck thinking whose wit her"
"Wit one slice of the switch I got me dat snitch
His jaw in the raw he needed quite the stitch
What do you do when life is a b*tch"
"Outside in, inside out...I gotta git out
I gotta git out...Find a new route
B*tches all about...Gotta scream and shout"
"Nutter Rat a tat tat...The white hats came lurchin
My fifi was snatched away after all the searchin'
How can ya win it when there's no peace for a minute"
I'm losin' my sanity It got lost wit reality...
I need a laced smoke to escape from this joke
Like the old head wit the lip I have lost my grip"
"Outside in, inside out...I gotta git out
I gotta git out...Find a new route
B*tches all about...Gotta scream and shout"
"Well Mr. Mc Cay, Let's kick this copper style
You are a miserable cuss with a 10 inch file.
You have no soul to be granted parole"
"You lose when you choose to dance in that rhythm
You can cry your blues... with no thought of the victim
But we are done hearing you speak from your rectum"
"Theres no doubt for this clout...You ain't gittin' out
You ain't gittin' out...You can b*tch and pout
You can toss all about...Hear these words that I spout"
"There's no grace for this case...or freedom to embrace
Your life remains the same... Criminal way's still your game
You will stay in this place...and be a forgotten name"
"More stitches in the ditches...Stinky cellies and b*tches
More switch hitters and pitches...and east side gangsta glitches
More mouths spitting and streamin'...While the walls are screamin'"
"Theres no doubt for this clout...You ain't gittin' out
You ain't gittin' out...You can b*tch and pout
You can toss all about...Hear these words that I spout"

Sanity of Insanity
In my life of temporal insanity I'll
Express each rational thought
For on one hand I am indecisive
But on the other hand I am not
Here I'm living in the facade of some
Unknown realm of relativity
Finding myself walking aimlessly
In a rendezvous with uncertainty
Where an understatement is a billion
Times worse than an exaggeration
But it is the clearest path
In a deep discerning world of oblivion
So I have decided to select pre-destination
As my course in life
It may lead to the world of never-ever land
Where I can relax in strife.
So where is such a place as this
It's where I have my doubts about disbelief
I will share with you what I have learned
It's the folly of wisdom that gives relief
It is the unrevealing truth
Of duplicity that keeps us all honest
You must stay alert and always be
On the lookout for conspicuousness
I am still quite uncertain
If I really understand ambiguity
There is this increasing worry
My life doesn't have enough anxiety
I have this nagging fear everyone
Is out to cause me paranoia
Yet it is my greatest fear
That I remember my worst repressed phobia
One morning I woke up dead
Discovered there's no such thing as non-existence
I avoid clichés like the plague
And one thing I can't stand, it's intolerance
Prejudiced folks, all alike
And this world's full of apathy, but I don't care
Yes, there was a time when I thought
I was mistaken but it was an error
The revelation that my identity
Lies in not knowing who I am
Some would say I am indignant
But I curse those who judge others to be damned
Some people claim that I am superficial
But that is just on the surface
Some say that I am self-righteous
But my ways and my words are never off base
Some say I'm vindictive but I tell them
It was accidentally on purpose
Some say I have a foul mouth when angry
Who says I am angry when I cuss.
Some say I have a drinking problem
But I do not have a problem drinking
Some say I need to stop to think
But fail to tell me when to resume thinking.
It's my practice to always try to do things
In chronological order
Being patient has me real anxious
If I don't succeed, I may risk failure
If I better understand recursion
I must first understand recursion
I'm not redundant by repeating myself
It's Deja Vu all o'er again.
I over heard Santa Clause explaining
There is no such thing as make believe
I met a stripper at her club and she said
There isn't nothing up her sleeve
I personally think exaggeration
Is not all it's cracked up to be.
Perhaps the delusion of illusion
Has become the sole reality.
I leave everyone with my greatest advice
Do not chew with your mouth full
If at first you do not succeed
Then not going skydiving is the best rule
Do as I say not as I do and stop
Listening to the hypocrite
I can promise life will be like a cherry
Eat the fruit be left with a pit.
Insanity means to be mentally deranged and unsound.
Certainly life has its totally insane people that have no rhyme
or reason
for their choices. Their life is like one big oxymoron
their choices and motives are one huge inter-twisted
Yet, insanity provides the border for sanity and
we must step over that line in faith to bring rhyme
reason into existence. It is somewhere just across the
of insanity that a whole new realm of life and possibilities
be discovered. Certainly people like Christopher
Neil Armstrong, and Orville and Wilbur Wright had
to make
insane decisions. It is this kind of insanity that
doors that seemed bolted shut. However when
into insanity we must know when to step back into
sane realm. Otherwise, we may get trapped in an insane
with no ability to return. Finding the edge between
and insanity and then maintaining balance is never an
task. So many people choose to stay in what appears to
a safe haven of sanity. They only make choices to what
know inside their box. To them it would seem too insane
go outside the boundaries of the conventional wisdom as
in that box. This lack of risk and complacency is not
living life and learning to survive. This kind of world will
eventually cause the spirit of man to suffocate and die.
Dreams will not be fulfilled, innovation
will be censored and
potter’s clay will remain potter’s clay. Oh how insane it can
be always
being sane.
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