Knight In Black

Ch 12 Life's Obstacles
Home | About the Author | Profile & Photos | Ch. 1 The Lost Soul | Ch 2 The Dark Ages | Ch 3 An Awakening Choice | Ch 4 The Sacrifice | Ch 5 Woven Cords | Ch 6 Outside the Box | Ch 7 The Untamed Tongue | Ch 8 Insanity | Ch 9 Focus | Ch 10 Catch the Blessing | Ch 11 Eyes of a Child | Ch 12 Life's Obstacles | Ch 13 Broken Love | Ch 14 Sinewed Souls | Ch 15 Endless and Pure



Take the time to look around you as you travel this vast world. No matter where you are there is much wisdom to gain by observing the world and its creation. Learn to be at peace with who you are inside yet forever strive ahead knowing that within you are the seeds to become so much more. Be careful of those temptations to transgress that lie on the path of life. They lie in wait to either detour us from our mission or rob us of our very breath to live. Find courage in the storms of life knowing that through pain and trials there is much wisdom to gain to prepare us for larger obstacles to come. Although tomorrow is not promised embrace those sunsets on the horizon and continue to sail that tomorrow may come with new opportunites to sieze.


Beauty Within

In the center of the small village square
Was a well of water for all to share
The maidens gathered before the morning rise
To fetch water from where the wellspring lies
One fare lady often came just to boast
And to scoff at the rest with hateful roast
She viewed herself with beauty and privilege
And bragged of the prince who showed her homage
"One day I shall be a wealthy princess
While all of you still remain penniless"
One plain maiden with defensive retort
"I love my man whether the money's short"
But quickly rebutted in sarcastic tone
"Your husband's a troll and you are a drone"
The plain maiden went home with head hung low
Empty feelings inside and tears that flow
But when she arrived with thoughts insecure
Her simple man met her right at the door
Seeing her tears he embraced her with love
"What is it my dear you sadly think of?"
She stood there as the adoration grew
"I forgot why, I just know I love you"

Now the fair lady with the words of spite
Was whisked away by the fine prince one night
They married next morning before the king
It seemed like a dream when she felt the ring
But soon she learned he had more than one bride
So many that they often would collide
Competition to be with him each night
Frequently led the wives to a huge fight
And although there were the riches and fame
Splendor of having the royalty name
Before long alone in captivity
Enslaved to rules of high society
Many years would pass as her beauty waned
Lost in a castle forgetting who reigned
She would never experience true love
Only a fantasy she could dream of
Love cannot be bought with wealth or beauty
It must first be given condition free
Happiness is not an external state
It's an inner peace content with one's fate.
Outward appearance is only a glance
To what is hidden of one's real essence


Don't Go Poking Sticks Into A Bee's Nest

A young cub came upon a fallen pear
A tasty delight for this hungry bear
Discovered above were several more
But one especially had his allure
Plump and yellow such a delicious thought
This is the pear the cub had truly sought
Climbing, scooting and inching up the tree
Little closer and closer he could see
The growling hunger and savory sight
The long awaiting for a juicy bite
Then from a bee's nest a hornet takes wing
Dashing at the cub giving its warning
The bear swats its paw to chase it away
But the bee persists to keep him at bay
Crawling out further the cub's not dissuade
Shaking the tree with attempts to evade
Pear after pear descending to the ground
But the favored one is still hanging sound
The persistent cub as efforts enclose
Thwarting a hornet darting at his nose
Til paws go flying with a sudden fall
A giant triumph from a bee so small
The cub stares at the pear still in the tree
And turns with a scowl at the nesting bee
Then he notices all the fallen pears
And starts to munch those lying in the tares
Though his belly is full on all the fruit
Accepting such a defeat would not suit
He looks up at the nest where the hornets dwell
And takes a long branch thrusting its shell
To his horror hundreds of bees swarm down
Out through the meadows goes a streaking brown
Racing through the field and valley below
Yelping at each sting with a loud echo
The poor cub never returned for that pear
A lesson learned from this silly ole bear
Don't go poking sticks into a bee's nest
Some things are no danger when left to rest
A pesky bee may create a nuisance
But an angry swarm will strike with vengeance



Within the shadows of a dawning day
Prairie dog's occupied by morning's way
An eagle hovers on the crimson sky
Waiting and watching with a preying eye
Spreading its wings before the morning sun
Then ascending high into the horizon
The long spanning wings and feathers of gold
Razor sharp claws and eyes of emerald
Swiftly she flies encircling the earth
Quickly above before the day gives birth
She glides with grace and majestic essence
Before fiercely diving at the pup's presence
The small dog escapes the near grasping scoop
Out running the eagle's lore and swift swoop
It was misjudgment that spared the dog's life
It could have been pierced with claws like a knife.
There are no promises to see daybreak
Sometimes by mercy we avoid heartache.


The wringing clouds avalanche down
Buckets and buckets dousing the ground
Drenching to reaches of mountainside
Splashing, tossing over steepened slide
Waters cascade the sharpened terrain
Carving through each sunken drain
Splashing, dancing growing in size
Merging with streams and springs that rise
Gaining momentum as waters collide
Tumbling the rocks with great divide
Rivers crash as waters flow
Land's engulfed by fury's blow
Earth uproots and is torn apart
Battered, tattered, stripped at heart
The twists, the turns in brownish hue
Shout and roar taking what's do
Broken limbs, old fallen trees
Gathered remnants of man's debris
Quickly shredded and swept away
Taken wherever the waters may stray
That thunderous swell, its mercy gone
Jumping and darting, and racing on
Feeding its current swallowing all
No rest to come till last waters fall

Roots To Stand

Near a running stream stood an apple tree
For many seasons living peacefully
When the hot summer droughts were at their worst
The stream provided that the tree did not thirst
It grew and rested in the open field
Having plenty of apples each harvest yield

Another tree faced times much more arduous
Growing on a hill droughts were more vicious
Lacking water its fruit wilted and dried
It had to press deeper into the hillside
Years passed before roots reached a water pool
This was life's adversity for survival


One day both trees met with calamity
The winds of fury struck without pity
The tree by the stream fell to the ground
But the one on the hill beaten but sound
The years enduring midst sufferings hand
Produced roots that gave it the strength to stand.


On The Wings Of Eagles

In the morning calm under a gray sky
The bald eagle swoops with a shrieking cry
No enemy is hidden from its sight
All the land reveres its majestic might.

Life below naive to drawing unrest
The eagle senses the coming tempest
It ascends to a higher altitude
Waiting for westerly streams to intrude

Setting its wings as the storm rages near
Winds lift it above this fury of fear
As the pouring outburst casts forth its wrath
The eagle glides over its vicious path

Faced by vengeance and its destructive roar
Rising above where no others will soar
This king of air shall not cower or doubt
Patiently biding riding the storm out

So mount up with wings like the eagles spread
For when the storms of life are just ahead
Scale over with the wind without restraint
Fly and not grow weary, glide and not faint.



One early spring day in the month of May
A hen was nesting keeping her eggs warm
The news came forth for what it is worth
That clouds were forming in a brewing storm
She needed shelter from this welter
But who would watch her eggs as she hunted
Along came the fox from beyond the rocks
Hearing her cries and worries confronted
"I can watch your nest at your request
As you venture to find a safer place"
"But you are the famed" she quickly exclaimed
"That takes our babies without a trace"
"But I have seen the light to what is not right
Please trust in me before the storm hits"
So in her worry she made with a scurry
To find safe haven as time permits
When she had returned in horror she learned
Her babies were gone forever lost
A heart should be gauged by actions that aged
To trust by mere words leaves open to be crossed



Grizzly Fate

A legend of old tells of some gold
Robbed from a train in Montana
Was hidden away not found to the day
Somewhere in the hills of Helena
Billy and Dave crawled into a cave
To seek for themselves this gold
But Dave grabbed the hair of a grizzly bear
So out of the cave they rolled
They raced and raced as the brown bear chased
Down through the valley below
They ran through the wood as fast as they could
Running wherever they could go
Some say that bear was a hungry bear
And never gave up the pursuit
For Dave and Billy it sure was silly
Exploring those caves for the loot
For all they found in the underground
Was a bear who hadn't ate
A fool for his gold in tall tales told
May lead to a grizzly fate

Simple Minds

An older gent of scholastic renown
Left a seminar quite disgruntled
For that day the intellectual crowd
Gathered to discuss all the world affairs
Each one spat their view and resolve
But none could agree on what needs done
They fought and fought till blue in the face
All the words for naught
For not one could be heard
The old gent in his frustration
Stormed from the meeting
Cussing all the way out the door
He walked and walked till finally taking a rest
On an old park bench among the trees
Now Bobby came along and sat down beside
Not uttering a single word
The old gent began to speak as Bobby nodded
About his day and all his worldly views
Bobby sat silent staring at the man
Smiling ever so often
The gent spoke and spoke
Smiling from ear to ear as Bobby
Sat and watched with amazement
After many a breath of what to do
The old gent finally spoke to Bobby
"Sir, there aren't many people in
This world like you and me
That can talk with such intellectual views
Do you come hear often that we can again
Sit and talk about the deeper things
And solve all the world's problems"
Bobby nodded with a smile
Not uttering a word
But looking intently at the man's face.
Just then a young boy of seven
Came over who had been watching the pair
As the old gent talked.
The boy looked at the gent and asked
"Can I have that shiny pen behind your ear"
The gent boasted out
"Why sure young lad you can,
And what do you admire about that pen?"
Before the young boy could blurt out a word
The old gent answered for him.
"I know you wan that pen because
You wish to put it behind your ear
And act as smart as both of us
Wise souls"
The young boy said
The old gent interrupted every word
And then said "good day both to you"
And then walked his merry way.
The young boy then turned to Bobby
"Here you go Bobby" handing him the pen
"I know you really wanted this shiny pen
I watched you from over there as you kept admiring it
How difficult it must be Bobby being mute and all
And not being able to ask"
Now come on Bobby I will walk you home"
Now you see Bobby could not talk
And was born mentally challenged.
On the way home he twirled his shiny pen
Walking by hand with the young boy.
The boy pulled out his juicy juice
But to his dismay grumbled
"Where did my straw go?
I can't drink my box of juice without a straw"
Bobby then began to take the pen apart
Leaving the middle hollow
He took the box of juice
And then stabbed the box.
The little boy uttered
"O how spiffy now I can drink
My juice from your homemade straw
Thanks Bobby I love you"
The moral of this story is that wisdom is a gift
From those who seek it. It cannot be intellectually
Acquired. Sadly in man's pride he fails to see
The obvious. But those born of simple mind with hearts of gold
Can sometimes be the wisest of us all.




Who sets the standards for your life?  It is easy to fall trap to allowing society to set those standards.  Often times we make choices based on gaining favor with other people.  We engage in popularity contests and try to impress others with our position and prestige.  Somewhere in this all we become lost because we sacrificed our true identity to resemble and become apart of the status quo.  The more we buy into their approval the more we become enslaved to their desires and manipulation.  We have literally sold our soul to them.  Belongingness is one of the basic psychological needs.  No one wishes to feel all alone.  Yet if one sold their soul and pretended to be what they truly are not then in essence all one has gained is being lost and alone in the crowd of the status quo.  What is important for us to do is find out who we really are and try to remain true to that identity.  Learn to accept the inner person we have become and the talents that have been bestowed to us by the creator.  This is not to be mistaken with being complacent but rather to provide a solid foundation to build upon for our future.  Allow the world to see the true us and then give the very best of who we are to them without conditions.  Some may repel us but others will come to accept and trust us.  They will feel free to be their true selves and be motivated to give back the true and best of who they are.   Relationships will be so much more rewarding when those relationships create an environment where the soul and spirit can live in truth. 

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