Foolish Pride
I have lost count to the years
When I last shed grieving tears
I have been blinded by pride
Seeking for a place to hide
Selfishness has taken place
And pity is in my face
Many allow it to destroy
Being stripped from their joy
But this day I choose to stand
During what time is at hand.
I have found strength in my fear
And know true courage is near
I will give and no longer take
I will love and not forsake
I will share another's pain
And my words will not be vain
For today I fell from pride
Releasing it as I cried.
Awakening Choice
Last glimpse of night, my eyes heavily lay
To pondering thoughts of what lies ahead.
Tomorrow's welcome, seemingly far away,
Questioning the journey, leaving today
For an unknown realm where souls yet to tread.
With a faint lamp fueled only by a past,
A staff fashioned from learned lessons to guide,
I'm able to walk in a world this vast.
Capturing heart felt moments as they last
Staying the course with courage at my side.
In a passing door into tomorrow
I met with wisdom as she spoke her name
A vision given not just to borrow
And saw a man's face that shed no sorrow
Clasping tightly to feel one in the same.
I stood near footsteps of tomorrow's dawn
He had vanished but left a still small voice.
With my staff and lamp as yesterday's gone
I thought of him as I traveled on
Was that a dream or an awakening choice?

Another page waiting to turn
What's in the next chapter to learn
Many thoughts may keep one adrift
Waiting next wind to give them lift
Standing still at the cross lane
Where two paths merge in sandy grain
Silence speaks with a loud voice
When waiting is the only choice

Restless Night
In the stillness of the night silence speaks
Trying to let go as the haunting shrieks
Clenching the palms as sweat pours from the brow
Seems like yesterday when choices went foul
Restless night disturbed again from sleeping
Disrupted when the demon comes creeping
His purpose is to destroy a man's will
Tonight he attacks speaking in a shrill
"Who the hell are you helping other souls
There was a time you lived like the trolls
Whiskey bent and the anger running hot
Pouring a glass dousing another shot
Self destruct holding on to lost causes
A careless path hoping that life pauses
What if others could see the bones you hide
When the door's open to the other side"
Just when one believes past wounds have been healed
The demons return to open what's sealed
Awakening the thoughts kept in repression
Gripping with guilt from acts of transgression
Yet this night while lying still all alone
Another voice spoke a familiar tone
"Don't be troubled when the demon disdains
Remember who forgives and where he reigns
Ask for mercy and all is forgotten
Walk with him where his footsteps have trodden
Stand strong in the journey to this new land
Yesterday is gone the future's at hand"

Dark Edges
There is a straight, narrow path
Which leads to safety
But I am confronted
With my errant side
Struggling with dark edges
In life's journey
Having only a staff
And a small lamp to guide

Fear is not just an imagination but a real and powerful force that becomes a cancer to the
soul. The only fear that is a friend is the one that steers us back to our moral conscience. All other fear is
poison to the mind leading to complacency, failure and obstacle for survival. It holds us hostage to the ways of yesterday
on a carousel to nowhere.
We all have skeletons in our closets but in truth they are just dead dusty old bones
that we fear might come alive. One cannot change the past but we certainly can learn from those adversities and
channel it into energy to build a future. Energy becomes action and action cures fear however indecision and postponement
fertilizes fear, magnifies it and enlarges it.
A time must come where we calculate the risks step out in faith
and courage, mount a new horse and ride upon the wind. Otherwise we become like the desert sand scorched by the
rising sun, scattered by the rolling wind and pummeled somewhere deep in the earth below.

A New Vision
Perpetual zephyr to aid and alert
The light within whispering to avert
The strange inner voice ringing true
The waning resistance from rendezvous
Weave and spun in the web of a spider
Poisoned by its venomous cider
Ataxia slowly consuming my breaths
Sweat from the brow and cardio-duress
Why should my life be any importance?
Scythed from morals, lacking any credence
Just a grain of sand trapped in misery
Life tumbling underneath a raging sea
Stolen possessions and theft of honor
The grievous words and dignity plunder
The selfish pity, letting anger seethe
A heart will never sing, lungs never breathe
Mountains cast shadows, the rain showers dry
Hope sits in the west with the blood red sky
Passing hands of circadian distress
Mind crawls in torment, my life in a mess
Lungs filled with sugar cube inhaled from a can
My heart squeezed by the plots of a city clan
Whether toxic cane or caustic whiskey
How many times will I be given mercy?
Head in the gallows before noon bells ring
Clemency again that winter morning
Crossing the high bridge the river below
In quiet lament, what words to bestow
Words from a shallow wind ask me gently
Will you alter course and ride with me
You rode the world that has offered you death
Journey with me I will give you new breath
Frozen in my ways from a dead worlds touch
Chained by its lies that it would promise much
My heart starts melting, tears begin to flow
As I surrender my life, new paths to go
Suddenly, in a mighty rushing gust
The winds splash me with celestial dust
Lungs filled with its essence and soul ingrained
Touched by the scepter, spun shackles unchained
Crawling and grasping the blood stained vesture
Cardio-eyes opened with each gesture
Ripples of wisdom expanding outward
Spreading farther and wider with each chord
Enraptured, my life in renaissance
Sinews of my soul free from all that haunts
Mounting the new horse, riding on the wind
Journey to new lands with a new vision

The Blistering Wilderness
Time and its domain of four dimensions
I forge ahead with my life's provisions
The gateway between the past and present
Has closed its door in the passing moment
When roads diverged I traveled the one less
Somewhere yonder to find my wilderness
My soul knew no cost when journey started
Through the valley of the broken hearted
Left with two drops of watering refresh
The searing sun ravages through my flesh
Day finally falls, time to proceed on
I must not rest until tomorrow's dawn
The passing night brings the cold heavy wind
Sending shivers to my blistering skin
Its whirling sand as the desert grains race
Pummels my body and thrashes my face
I press forward scaling dune to dune
In lonely nights under a restless moon
Sands shifting beneath my fragile feet
Contending with time before daylight's heat
Still in the middle of the lowland drear
The wake of dawn is quickly drawing near
I must find some refuge within the hour
Before the desert flames burn and devour
The sun now rising rolling to the west
The narrow of a cliff offers me rest
In my listless slumber the vultures flock
And scorpions scamper from rock to rock
Silently creeping the barren below
The sun's blistering rays find my shadow
I wake to its heat as sweat trickles down
My hands start to burn on the scorching ground
My shriveling tongue, unquenchable thirst
My feeble body, wretched and cursed
The vultures hover awaiting their feast
To eat of my flesh before I'm deceased
Just at the brink of resigning to fate
The fragrances of rain invigorate
Though the atmosphere appears clear blue
The air permeates with a storm in brew
Born from the ocean and risen on high
Carried by the winds of the western sky
The trumpets announce and the drum beats rage
The clouds billow over the mountain stage
A gray shadow steals across the dry plain
The rushing wind roars like a moving train
Sounds of driving rain, down over the hills,
Dashing through valleys to the base it spills
Pouring showers flowing down my face
Immersing and cooling with its embrace
My mouth catching the rivulets roll
As racing water slakes my weary soul
Bouncing left and right, steady beating pour
Sands consuming 'til they can take no more
Mountain vales gushing as rain submerges
Rock-strewn cliffs becoming water surges
Creeks overflowing in the dry divide
The desert thirst quenched by the running tide
The dry earth absorbs the flooding streams
The seeds lying dormant burst at the seams
New breath begins to spring up through the sand
Its delicate scent blooms across the land
Without rain the seeds would shrivel to dust
A vibrant river will harden and crust
Beauty will erode when the sand thrashes
All that's alive will crumble to ashes
O send me the rain to revive my life
Deliver my soul from this desert strife
Set it free from searing deprivation
Quench its essence from the desiccation
O rain O rain let the rivers run through
Immerge my tired soul, give it breath anew
Let seeds spring open and the green stand tall
Give my life strength let fragrances enthrall

The Morning Song
Crawling through the window the sun peaks its head
Sliding 'cross the floor resting on my bed
Robins are singing a sweet melody
Icicles melting to their harmony
Spring rises forth at the call of its name
Creeping through the seal of window and frame
March dances in with a blustering breath
Thawing my soul from its cryonic death
I awaken from a cold winter's long
Stirred and revived with the morning song
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