Catch the Blessing
Did you ever walk into a garden of roses,
Smell a bouquet of carnations dressed in greens,
Gaze into the glass filled with red sparkling wine,
Or relish the sweet succulent juice of nectarines?
Did you ever lay your head to a silky pillow,
Have the sensual taste of strawberries and cream,
Cuddle in a blanket to a crackling campfire
Or drink the quenching water from a mountain stream?
Did you ever savor a warm soft September breeze
Smell fresh fallen snow on a December night,
Fall asleep to the sound of gentle rain in June,
Or lie staring at August clouds drifting from sight?
Did you ever hear crashing waves midst the moonlight beach,
Watch the fog roll in across the quiet seas
Be moved by the gusting winds high atop a mountain,
Or watch a falcon glide far above the trees?
Did you ever reminisce with a wise older man,
Listen to the laughter of children at play,
Spend a little time teaching a child to ride a bike,
Or breathe in deeply the smell of Christmas Day.
Did you ever notice each day has blessings to catch?
Will you grasp tightly to each passing moment?
Or are you consumed with all of life's struggles
Missing all these precious blessings as each day is spent?
Millions are born each day into a world consumed with bad news. Our era has become a colloquialism to the point that we
have become desensitized to most horrific drama. So many people gravitate to the media to hear of the latest disaster or tragedy.
The conversations around the work place have become cesspools of negativity looking to blame someone else for their misery.
Through our words and thoughts we define the future. As much as I write about the adversities and pain of life my mission
is not to create more but to provide the key to drive out. Somewhere in the midst of where you are today there is good news.
It's only a matter of seeking it instead of gravitating to the bad. The truest treasures in life are already within your grasp
defined by life in the here and now. It will be lost if you choose to swim in the cesspool of everyone else's sludge. Take
time and savor this moment for in a moment it will be gone never to be captured the same way again.

Savor the Moment
Looked out the window of my bedroom
The fields of golden rod all in bloom
The crisp clean scent of the September breeze
The ruffling sounds of the dancing trees
Its last of the season before the frost
No time to waist before the sun is lost
Before we know it the leaves will brown
The snow will fall and cover the town
Time has no courtesy in this world
Yesterday's gone, today has unfurled
Paint a picture on the walls of the mind
Savor the moment, it's one of a kind
Today will dissipate into tomorrow
There are no yesterdays left to borrow

Some friends are here for only a season
Guiding our journey with thought and reason
Keeping our paths straight when we are drifting
There to cry with as burdens are lifting
Sharing in laughter, bringing a bright smile
Walking beside our road mile upon mile
Sharing in our lives and destiny.
We hope they follow the next season to be
The leaves are changing. I felt the first frost.
The dusk of this season. The warmth is lost.
The growth seeds the soil for the dawn of spring.
What new life shall come when birds start to sing?
I wonder long after leaves have fallen
When snowmelts and flowers shed their pollen
Is it another season we will share?
To laugh, to cry, to smile and show we care?
The old folks ask how many friends are true?
When you count on your hand those that you knew?
For how rare if you can count up to five
In the time on earth you remain alive.
Your friendship has been true this I do know.
I held in faith those words the deeper we'll grow.
Are your feelings and mine one in the same?
How many seasons will I count your name?
Please understand my honest confessing
I never intend to steal your blessing.
To harm the innocent beauty of your heart
To take from any that share that part.
But truly I state I'm weak to lose a friend
As the frost sneaks in at summer's end.
When that coming day has breathed its last
My heart shall sink, as you become my past.
I will treasure the memory of you
Laughing at silly jokes and gestures too.
Comforting my sorrow, sharing in tears,
Giving me courage to stand midst my fears.
I will remember your smile and sweet sigh,
The mischievous look and that winking eye.
The fun and games in all our childish play
But the dearest was your unselfish way.

In a distant future, time yet to be
While I'm peering out into a vast sea
As the sun sits where ocean and sky meet
Feeling crashing waves break among my feet
Reflecting on seasons of yesteryear
And counting all the blessings I hold dear
I will remember you as I reminisce
And can say you will be greatly missed.
But when you wake some bright, sunny morning
And hear icicles melt and birds singing
Will you recall the time long before?
Laughing and crying with a friend you adore
Will you see me chuckling at my own jokes?
Will you talk of me to other old folks?
And as one true friend will I still stand
When you count who was real upon your hand?

Precious Touch
Their little hands working away The precious touch with love's intent
Cutting, pasting, eyes opened wide Captured by the Christmas moment
Shiny glitter in sticky glue Of blues
and whites, greens and reds Scattered messes across the room From glitter spills and paper shreds
The fresh
cut pine, emerald green The sparkling lights and ribbon laces Created treasures on the tree Laughter sings with
smiling faces
Each decoration represents Memories from those heartfelt years Priceless gifts never forgotten
Impassioned thoughts with trickling tears
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All poetry is copyright 2001 through 2009 All rights reserved. Use by permission.