When The Pieces Don't Fit
Thousand pieces scattered about the floor
One to another slowly to restore
Connected parts revealing a story
Like the evidence before a jury
The stimulated imagination
Musing over this obscure creation
Mystery unfolding with each find
This development entices the mind
First disclosures in the imagery
The rocks and sand meet with a tumbling sea
Long strands of grass stringing through a sand mound
And a large boat sailing into the sound
Two hands join when two more pieces affix
A man and woman, the picture depicts
Strolling the beach gazing at each other
Towards the sound and a distant harbor
Couple more pieces 'til the puzzle's done
Needed to assemble the horizon
But in total frustration none attach
Similar in color but still don't match
What over shadows from the unknown sky
Unanswered questions where the futures lie
Love is like this puzzle so it would seem
Pieces don't fit complicating the dream
A picture will sing a thousand verses
Ponder like the songwriter rehearses
What's in the portrait other than the sky?
Is this pair saying hello or goodbye?
Is the love built on a rock or on the sand?
When the waves collide how long will it stand?
Will grass keep sand dunes from blowing away?
When the boat docks who will go, who will stay?
Resolve rests in the faces of the two
The eye of the wise will see what is true
Love's puzzle, piecing the difficulty
Their countenance speaks the verses to be
Nickel In My Pocket
Nickel in my pocket, no penny more
Two pieces of lint, one step from the door
Words consumed by the shadows on the wall
Love at the edge, two steps to the fall
Where is her voice to my hearts suspense?
Where is the kiss to break this silence?
When will she see all the tears I shed?
How long will this hurt consume my head?
Can she not see the heart I long to share
Or has she forgotten the way to care?
Casting my hopes from question to question
Looking for answers to her regression
Like tossing nickels, dreaming in a tale
Another one lost in the wishing well.

The tiny grains of sand stirring in the wind
Twirling and whirling, scattering from place
Slowly erasing the footsteps on the beach
Invading and fading every last trace
The foaming water racing in and out
Roaring and pouring, immersing the shore
Quickly stealing every trodden print
Swiping and wiping, lost forevermore
Yet a pink and white hat waves in the breeze
Battered and tattered tightly snagged to some wood
A remnant from yesterday almost erased
Flapping and clapping that time be understood

Sitting staring into his beer Reminiscing from year to year Every smile walking
past him Yet deep inside feeling lonesome Several years have gone by Thinking there wondering why Lost tonight
in a foolish snare No other will ever compare Just like yesteryear his heart yearns Just like first night his
mind burns Watching couples sensually dance Reminder of their own romance "I want you there with me this night
To dance til the break of sunlight" This kind of love never leaves Broken heart as destiny weaves Time to
go last sip of beer His thumb wipes away the tear

O Red, Red Wine
The clear crystal of red, red wine
With a glimmer that entrances me to another world
A world lost in yesterdays regrets
where her voice caressed my heart
And breath enriched my soul
Where her eyes spoke with calescent passion
Inviting me into her solace domain
Somewhere in yesterday I neglected my way
And lost the key that unlocks her soul
O red, red wine that ripples softly
Mingled with the salt of my tear
Help me to escape the memories ago
Fill my veins with your toxins
And numb my memory with your kiss.

Breath of Frost
Seeing pictures in the clouds passing through
Dreaming of her kiss long overdue
Consumed by the clutches of sifting sands
Time spiraling downward seeking her hand
A fragile heart with delicate beat
Waiting her return to lay at her feet
As flower petals wilt at the breath of frost
So does a broken soul when love is lost

Failing To Discern
An apology can't be expressed in words alone.
Our pride must be removed for truth to be shown.
Is it still a mistake when we repeat it?
Are we a loser if we decide to quit?
Self-pity demands a hand to be pulled out.
Stubbornness will blind us and deliver doubt.
Our voice lacks substance until we choose to act
This determines what is fake and what is fact.
Oh how I harmed you in my selfish display
Now weeping in shame as this pride melts away.
Have I lost whom I love failing to discern
It's what we give not expecting a return?
I should have pledged all of my heart without cost.
My soul weighs very heavy feeling this loss.
When it storms will you ever seek me to dry
To comfort your fears and find refuge when you cry?
Can I bare your burdens midst all your sorrow
Extending my love each passing tomorrow?

We live, we love, and we learn but each comes with the cost of pain and adversity. However, if we choose not to go forward
it does not mean we won't face pain and adversity again. We can build walls or bridges. Inside the walls we will eventually
starve and die, but crossing the bridge may lead to tempestuous lands filled with more heartache. The first has only one outcome,
but the second, though risk, may lead to brighter days. It seems so simple as to what to do, yet how many people choose to
live within the walls as they excessively reason with the who's, what's, where's, why's and how's trying to figure out the
exact formula to avoid heartbreak again. They concentrate on all the things that went wrong and the pain that is felt rather
than just letting go, stepping out and moving on. Sorry there is no formula for avoiding heartbreak. The more love and trust
we give the greater the risk becomes, however, we only receive what we are willing to give. The one that you come to love
and trust the most could result in the hardest heartbreak of all. But then again the old saying is it is better to love and
be broken than to ever have loved at all. Broken is temporal but loneliness can last a lifetime. There is no joy in life unless
there is someone to share it with. The one you come to love the most could be the one that will love you a lifetime.

Red Summer's Rain
The sounds of trumpets cry for battle
Armor, sword and valiant horse I saddle
Kiss to my lady I must go to war
Her life and this kingdom I must secure
Beyond the walls I race to the front line
Red gushes as my comrades fall supine
A Saxon grunts as my sword penetrates
My garments soaked as blood saturates
My axe swings as a men's armor is spliced
Daggers to the throats their jugulars sliced
Each damaging blow men cry out in pain
Blood warmly flowing like the summer's rain
Then without warning the sword thrusts deeply
In back to the front, all the way through me
My face hits the earth as the sword twists out
The Saxon moves on with a battle shout
Each breath heavier and slowly to gasp
Her pendant clutched in hand with my tight grasp
Moments from passing into the unknown realm
Leaving her behind as thoughts overwhelm
The beating of my heart is winding down
Cold and numb as my blood spills to the ground
The walls closing in as darkness unfolds
Last thought wondering what her future holds

Candle Light
A heart beating like the soft dropping rain
Clouds cast shadows but there's peace to sustain
Though the days appear dark and dreary
My lady's courage does not grow weary
In the depths of her soul burns a small light
One that is protected with all her might
Cherished and sacred and always lit
A glimmering beam spirit to spirit
She shares the lamp for the one she entrusts
Not a trophy left on the shelf to rust
Listen to the raindrops beating tonight
By the window sits her candle light

Winds Become Silent
Shattered pieces across the floor
Yesterdays tears I spare no more
Storms again, in heavy pour
Crashing, thrashing at the door
Shaking, quaking thunders roar
Pounding, sounding like times of war
Then comes silence, winds no more
My soul lies empty to the core

....................Thump Thump..................
....................Thump Thump..................
.....The dark, dark room with no trickle of light
......From hours to days I have lost this fight..
......I've spun these walls ten thousand times...
........My soul now weary with silent rhymes.....
......The screams, the cries, the pain unheard...
........The walls consume each uttered word......
........The candle burns but gives no flame......
...........Voices echo but curse my name.........
....................Here I weep..................
...................Soon to sleep.................
...................With dry tears................
...................Numb to fears.................
....................Broken heart.................
....................Left to doubt................
.....................As I bleed..................
........................to get...................
....................Thump Thump..................

Pierced by your Sting
I've tried to run from the webs that you spew
I've tried to escape the grasp of your clutch
I've tried to break from the spell of your kiss
I've tasted the bitterness from your heart
I've caressed the venom from your lips
I've stared into the eyes of your abyss
My body grows numb pierced by your sting
My heart becomes weak as the toxins spread
My breath escapes me as your silk pulls tight
The heavens shatter and skies drip with blood
The mountains rumble and rivers run red
And so does my heart weary from this fight
Only the whisper of a tender voice
Only the breath of reviving love
Will break the spell and stop the poison's toll
Only the tears from a softened heart
Only the touch from forgiving lips
Will mend the sky and warm my lifeless soul

The Man in the Mirror
Did you ever see a man cry
...Choking back the quiet tear
Clenching to her perfumed scarf
...Staring blank into the mirror
The trickle rolling down his cheek
...Reminiscing of yesterday
Scattered pieces of broken dreams
...His stagnant heart rusting away
Does the reflection stop the flow
...The more he stares at eyes that hide
While his soul is slowly drowning
...From all the tears choked up inside
The window frame of guilt and pain
...An entry way to where he weeps
Down the corridor to his soul
...Stained with blood from a heart that seeps

Shattered Glass
The vase sat there on the mantle ...For nearly nine or say ten year
A precious gift made of crystal ...Carefully crafted, sparkling clear One day without any warning ...It fell
from place to the floor The scattered pieces far and wide ...From the fire place to the entrance door Daggered
points and razor sharp edges ...Tiny grains flickering in the light Thousand or more pieces of glass ...Shattered
without rhyme to this plight I wondered there as I stood and stared ...Was it the wind through the window? Was
it vibrations over time? ...Or was it acts beyond the shadow? With broom and pan I swept the floor ...Gently lifting
with my fingers Each sharp edge and daggered point ...Gathering glass so where it lingers I look there now on
the mantle ...Where it once stood now empty and bare No sparkling shine of rainbow's light ...Just thoughts of
you in empty stare And somewhere lying on the floor ...Remains a piece of shattered glass Waiting still with a
reminder ...Of the broken and scattered past

Silent Solitude
Alone, alone, the waters moan
The silver seas of quiet hiss
As twilight wanes in silent kiss
Goodbye, goodbye, the fading sky
The misty fog obscures the shore
Slowly creeping in ocean's lure
Alone, alone, the breezes groan
Its cold breath in dead calm whisper
And spoken chill as night grows crisper
Dreary, dreary, dim and bleary
O moon that cowers with its light
And hides its face from my sight
Churning, churning, the sea is turning
'neath my surface where the shores elude
Deep within a silent solitude
Goodbye, Goodbye, in soundless cry
The ancient sea has taken me
Our love has waned quietly
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