Knight In Black

Profile & Photos

Home | About the Author | Profile & Photos | Ch. 1 The Lost Soul | Ch 2 The Dark Ages | Ch 3 An Awakening Choice | Ch 4 The Sacrifice | Ch 5 Woven Cords | Ch 6 Outside the Box | Ch 7 The Untamed Tongue | Ch 8 Insanity | Ch 9 Focus | Ch 10 Catch the Blessing | Ch 11 Eyes of a Child | Ch 12 Life's Obstacles | Ch 13 Broken Love | Ch 14 Sinewed Souls | Ch 15 Endless and Pure


I enjoy good conversation whether philosophical, educational, spiritual or just nonsensical humor. I am an optimistic and adventurous person but also can be pragmatic and analytical. It all depends on certain areas of life. Lets just say I believe we live in a world much more than the three dimensions that we see and there is much to discover. I like to explore outside the box and see everyday as a new beginning. A new frontier, a new challenge and a new step
forward toward my dreams and visions. The only failure in this world is the failure to try. For if we try and not succeed in the specific goal we still have learned something.


My career is in the criminal justice field. I chose this career for multi reasons but most of all because it fits who I am.  I believe that every life has value and every human spirit can be saved.  It is my hope that I can influence change but if some choose not to be delivered from their choices of crime then it is my hope that I can keep them from hurting others. Although my hope is to see offenders become productive citizens, my strongest passions are for the victims of crime and thus I am a strong believer in my duties to hold the perpetrators accountable.


















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I remember those days in college where I would sleep long hours and drink long into the night. Today it seems like such a waste. My life has become very busy from work, to renovating houses, to other obligations. I don't care for burning too much time in front of a TV unless its a super good movie or something educational. Life is too short to let a TV have control.

My freetime is mainly spent with my family.  They are my favorite hobbies and my inspiration in life.  I also enjoy lifting weights, bicycling, volleyball, playing sports, exploring the outdoors, writing or researching family history. I do like to have my few beers on a day off but certainly don't allow it to control me. I have a passion to travel and see the world. Adventure excites me.

My favorite people in this world have strong passions and
principles about life. They are intrigueing, genuine, independent and straight from the hip in what they believe. Even if we differ on opinions I respect that forthright attitude. I admire one who can admit their weakness and
be willing to strive ahead to better themselves. I seem to become closest with people who not only have these traits but who can  listen without prejudice, not repeat the deeper things I  share and able to be open and trusting that I will not judge or expose their lives. It is refreshing to meet people who are over all genuine, not perfect, but sincere. People who are independent thinkers but also maintain a moral fiber to guide them in that thinking.

Favorite Movies:
Braveheart, The Patriot, Gladiator,
Matrix, and Scarface

Favorite Rock Bands:
Scorpions, AC DC, Metallica,
Evanescent, Lincoln Park, Disturbed,
Nickelback, Kid Rock, U2
and Three Doors Down.

Favorite Country: 
Charlie Daniels, Johnny Cash,
Hank Williams Jr, Toby Keith,
Shania Twain...especially
her videos...Lol

Favorite Pop/ R&B:

Eminem, Flo-rida

Rihanna, Brittany Spears


Favorite Christian:

Jars of Clay, Kutless

Mercy Me, Third Day

Favorite Songs:
Dust in the Wind- Kansas,
Sounds of Silence-Simon and Garfunkel
Kriptonite-3 Doors Down
I Can Only Imagine- Mercy Me

I laugh my butt off to Larry "The Cable Guy"

Favorite Food:
Hot wings, Barbecue Chicken

Favorite Drink: 
Heineken, Michelob,
Sweet Tea, Hot Chocolate

My addiction:
Coffee and M&M's

My Pet Peeve's:
Left Turn Signals on the highway,
My Redneck Neighbor,
No Toilet Paper,
Wanna Bees
(Their bumble has no sting).
The Status Quo
(I choose not to be stopped, manipulated
or be owned.) Cliques annoy me.
I seek to make my own social boundaries
by following the passions of my heart
but not in a manner that disrespects
the boundaries of another.

My Favorite Past Time: 
Taking a Dump
A cold beer by the fire
Anything by the water
My kids sports
Mischief Pranks
Quiet time to meditate

Interesting fact:
I am the 19th generation from
James "Black Knight of Lorn"
Stewart and Queen of Scotland
Joan Beaufort. Also I am a descendant
of William Wallace "Braveheart"

According to Myers-Briggs personality type I am a INTJ (Introversion, Intuition, Thinking, Judgement) Click here to read more about my personality type. Can't say all applies. I am not a book worm but felt alot applied



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2 Brothers, Dad and myself. Dad passed Dec 29th, 2007......................... CLICK HERE to see poem..... QUIET STILL Chapter 5........ End of Page


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All poetry is copyright 2001 through 2009
All rights reserved.
Use by permission.